Sunday, November 24, 2019

Functional Equivalences

Functional Equivalences Functional equivalence refers to the role or function that behavior plays in different cultures. One cannot assume that behaviors play the same role or function across cultures; therefore, assumptions made about the function of behavior in a cultural group must be verified. This concept extends to include the differences in people's perceptions about, and responses to, a particular product or activity according to their cultural features. The value that is placed on products or social activities can be culture sensitive and the exact purpose that each serves across national and cultural boundaries should be thoroughly established in marketing research.To illustrate how perceptions of the sample population may vary across cultural patterns, we can consider two different countries, the Netherlands and the United States, and compare substantial differences in individual interpretations of products such as bicycles.Not that it's unknown in other countries, but the Netherlands is the coun try where almost everybody bikes.Working bicycleVirtually every mile of road is paralleled with its own bike lane. Bicycles are extended the same respect as cars, even having their own designated traffic lights. In the Netherlands, the roads are narrow and parking spaces are hard to come by and usually quite expensive. Whereas in Holland, hundreds of miles of lush green farmlands and shoreline are accessible only by bicycle, making it thus the most valuable mode of transportation among the Dutch, in the United States a bicycle can be said to serve solely as a recreational sport and seldom used as an equally comfortable and reliable means to travel within highways. Consequently, in the Netherlands, competing products would consist of other similar modes of transportation, while in the United States relevant means of recreation would be seen as different products that compete against bicycles.Another example that demonstrates how people...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

NETFLIX Strategic Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NETFLIX Strategic Analysis - Research Paper Example Smart televisions are getting better and every TV will eventually have Wi-Fi and applications, and will eventually be cheaper. Netflix continuously increases its global internet network as a result of the growth in technology. The company is expected that the company will in future offer more movies. It may also react to the expected increase in demand from customers by coming up with its own movie production company in order to have a variety of movies. The company has invested in marketing in order to attract people around the world to try Netflix. The company anticipates to spend approximately $500M in 2014 on marketing and $ 400M on technology development in order to improve its services. Considering these initiative, the company’s position in the next five years will be able to increase its market share because it is expected that the company will dominate the television show streaming and has a strategy of expanding quickly in order to stay profitable at a global basis (Hill, 2012). The company will be able to compete with companies like Google with its

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Florence Nightingale Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Florence Nightingale - Assignment Example Nightingale not only treated the soldiers but she started working for the improvement of the conditions of the military hospitals. She wrote books on nursing and with the help of aid from friends she started a nursing school at St Thomas's hospital. Florence Nightingale was a very ambitious lady who revolutionized the criteria's of nursing. Though belonging to a rich family she chose for herself the profession of nursing and tried to change the concept of the society that nursing was a profession for the working class women and not a very respectable line of work. It was the period of the 19th century when women were struggling for their rights. Florence Nightingale played a role in the movement and she faced all the challenges that came her way which included the government of that time. She used the newspapers as her tools and worked very hard for the purpose. Florence Nightingale was a very brave and confident lady. She set an example for the women of her time. Florence Nightingal e became a nurse though she belonged to a wealthy family and nursing at that time was a profession considered to be for the working class women.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Representation of feminine nature in Helmut Newton and Lillian Bassman Dissertation

Representation of feminine nature in Helmut Newton and Lillian Bassman works - Dissertation Example Lillian Bassman and Helmut Newton are two of the greatest fashion photographers of the twentieth century. Each of them have used their own, specific techniques to achieve success in the field of photography, in particular female photography. The history and styles unique to each will be discussed below, in addition to relevant samples of their work. This chapter provides a detailed analysis of the works of Helmut Newton and Lillian Bassman and concurrently, compares their vision of females, their way of presenting them and how it influences the potential viewer. The first chapter of my final analysis will illustrate Helmut Newton’s works, his achievements and his representation of ‘feminine nature’. The second chapter contains a short biography of Lillian Bassman and an explanation of her photographic techniques and her perception of the female. Finally, the last chapter will sum up all the theories, photographic works, and perceptions as well as compare the commo n idea of the works shared between the photographers. NEWTON The female nude as fashion. A shot in which the form of a woman becomes in its own right a fashion statement. To use not a truly nude image but one in which a woman's body becomes a stylistic choice. This characterization can be said to be representative of the works of Helmut Newton; as well as Lillian Bassman, as exemplified by their work while at Harper's Bazaar. Bassman in particular was able to not only use her time at the magazine to advance her own prospects, but is credited to have advanced the careers of other fashion-notablies, such as Avedon, Faurer, and Frank. (VanZanten, 2010) Her monochromatic style is a art form she shared with Newton, yet others seemed to have found greater value in her Harper's Bazaar career than she herself; having destroyed 40 years of her own negatives and prints when fashion photography became less vogue, (or she perceived it as less vogue). While less self-destructive, Newton's mark o n the magazine also served an inspirational role, which - while less explicit than certain modern artists, he became a gatekeeper, or trail-blazer whose avant-garde efforts opened the door for others. The imagery Newton brought to the magazine mingled classic images of the female as a vessel for desire, along with an expressive fire kindled by a uniquely female drive, proactive intent - as will be discussed below. A cursory examination of Newton's style will allow for a semblance of the woman as a focal point for incidental beauty, yet with an underlying current of inner strength as revealed by the embrace of the full power of the feminine mystique. His work for the magazine carries the self-styled label 'porno-chic', and for the most extreme of feminist activists, his sort of visual provocation might carry the label 'anti-Christ', and warranted in the minds of some activists the defacing of a production with thrown paint. (Newton, 2002) On the other hand, Lillian Bassman uses compl etely different ways of attraction; she draws attention to the female body and how it can change the perception of the photograph. In a book by Liz Wells there are several debates, which introduce key concepts of photographic body. Solomon-Godeau suggests that ‘we need to consider not only how photographs present women’

Friday, November 15, 2019

European Union State Aid Control Economics Essay

European Union State Aid Control Economics Essay European Union Agreement signed in Maastricht in November 1993 and this agreement generated the European Union. EU aims to modernize the European economy and to be able to compete with strong players like USA in the world market by making inventions, encouraging trade investments and at the same time making the European education system suitable to meet the needs of information society. To reach these targets EU accepts using state aids if necessary. This paper aims to represent European Union State Aid practices and State Aid Control by benefiting from concepts of efficiency, equity, welfare, public interest, compatibility and market failure. State Aids expresses any aid from state resources to public enterprises and private enterprises. State Aids emerges as a kind of cohesiveness policy. Generally the main purpose of the EU state aid policies is to help the achievement of common market. In addition EU aims to correct any imbalances by helping less favoured regions and providing st ructural measures to industrial sectors which are faced with difficulties. Key words: European Union, State Aid, Competition, Trade JEL classification: K20, K21, L53, P45 Historical Process of European Union Ä °n the first middle of the 20th century, Continental Europe had become desolated by the Second World War. During the war people who against the totalitarian regimes wanted to end this hatred and decide to generate the conditions of peace. Between1945 and 1950, a group of states man including Robert Schuman and Winston Churchill traced a new structure which depends on common interest and guaranteeing equality between countries by legal regulations. Robert Schuman proposed to establish European Coal and Steel Community in 1950; the idea was firstly put forward by Jean Monnet. Nations -which have been fight once- would come together with the establishment of this community and as the raw materials of war, coal and steel become tools of peace and reconciliation in a symbolic way. The agreement proposed in 1950 and signed in 1951 in Paris. The main purpose of the agreement was making peace between the winner and looser nations of Europe and brings them together by an economic way. After that agreement in March 1957 the establisher six nations of European Coal and Steel Community (Belgium, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands) decide to establish European Economic Community which is a more broad based common market including every goods and services. Custom procedures had been removed in July 1968 and instead there had generated common policies especially about trade and agriculture in 1960s. (Fontaine, P. (Ed.). (2010). AB Nedir? ) As a result of the success of this initiative Denmark, Ireland and United Kingdom decided to join the community in 1973. Therefore the number of member nations increased from 6 to 9. At the same time new social and environmental policies started to be implemented. The economic recession which has seen in the early 1980s make Community member to establish the Common Market. At the beginning of 1993 it has been started to implement. In addition European Union Agreement signed in Maastricht in November 1993 and this agreement generated the European Union. European Union started to present the Euro as a currency unit for non-cash financial transactions in 1999. Three years later Euro issued in 12 countries that are named as Euro Zone. Now Euro is a main currency in all over the world like American Dollars (Fontaine, P. (Ed.). (2010). AB Nedir? ). European Union adopted new Lisbon Strategy to modernize the European economy and to be able to compete with strong players like USA in the world market. Lisbon Strategy aimed to make inventions, encourage trade investments and at the same time make the European education system suitable to meet the needs of information society. A country aiming to join the European Union must have working a market economy and capacity to compete with pressure of competition in union and difficulties of the market according to Copenhagen Criteria  [1]  . European Union is a union of 27 members now. Turkey made application for membership in 1987. In 1999 accepted as candidate by member states. Then Turkeys full membership negotiations have started in 2005. Beyond being a confederation of countries European Union is a unique structure but it is not a federal government too. It is a new formation and does not enter any legal category. Negotiations are known as primary legislation and primary legislation underlies the secondary legislation which has impact on the daily lives of citizens. Basically secondary legislation consists of regulations and directives adopted by the EU institutions. In addition to the general policies these laws are the result of decisions taken by three EU institutional triangles that is consists of council of EU, European Parliament and European Commission. European Council represents national governments, European Parliament represents citizens and European Commission looks for EU benefits and is an independent organization from EU governments. Members of EU Commission are assigned for a period of 5 years with an agreement between the Member States, depends on the approval of European Parliament. The Commission is responsible to the Parliament, however uses its authority independently with a certain extent. Because its duty is to protect the common interest, the commission should not be instructed from any EU member (Fontaine, P. (Ed.). (2010). AB Nedir? ). It is the duty of commission to ensure the implementation of regulations and instruction in the member nations and if the commission finds it necessary it has the right to convey any member to the Court of Justice. The commission promulgates the decisions as is the administrative unit that was made by European Council. It has broad authority to conduct the common policies of European Union like research, development, technology, foreign investment and regional development. European Union has economic, social, financial and regulative duties in a wide range of political area. These political areas: Cooperation policies in regional, agricultural and social areas (it is known as adaptation policies) Innovation projects that are bearing the wide range of technologies like environmental protection, research, development and energy (Fontaine, P. (Ed.). (2010). AB Nedir? ). The Union reserves over 120 billion euro for these policies annually as budget. The majority of this budget is being paid by member states and this budget is a small part of common wealth of European Union. State Aids expresses any aid from state resources to public enterprises and private enterprises. State Aids emerges as a kÄ ±nd of cohesiveness policy. Generally the main purpose of the EU state aid policies is to help the achievement of common market. In addition EU aims to correct any imbalances by helping less favoured regions and providing structural measures to industrial sectors which are faced with difficulties. Regional competition and employment subjects are very important in the cohesiveness policies. The purpose is to increase the competition, employment and charm of the underdevelopment areas. The only way to accomplish is to foresee the economic and social changes and contribute innovation, entrepreneurship, protection of environment and accessibility of comprehensive labour markets, the ability to adopt and development (Fontaine, P. (Ed.). (2010). AB Nedir? ). Common Market Common market has been established in January 1993. Healthy competition policy of EU is based on the Treaty of Rome. And it is the vital rational of rules of free trade. Policies of the common market is being implemented by Commission and the Commission is responsible for the reputation these policies with the Court of Justice simultaneously. The reason of having this policy is to prevent the free competition of any agreement between the commercial activities, any aid from public authorities or any unfair monopoly in the common market. Any agreement that is not compatible with the EU agreement must be proclaimed to commission by interested parties or firms. The commission has the right to impose punishment to parties which violate the competition rules or stand without required notification. Receiving any illegal state aid or not notificating such an aid can be claimed to give back by the commission. If one firm is being dominant because of an acquisition or a merger, this situation must be notificated to the commission (Fontaine, P. (Ed.). (2010). AB Nedir? ). State Aids in the European Union The main economic target of EU is to generate a barrier free internal market between member states. The most effective equipment used by the union is competition rules to achieve this target. In addition to this the main target of competition policy of European Union is to generate a well-functioning internal market of Europe which dominated by market forces by preventing acts that are accepted as breaking competition. Competition can be broken by private enterprises and by giving incentives by member states to intervene the economy. As mentioned above, EU legislation on State Aid prohibits State Aids approves these aids as having impact on competition and incompatible with the internal market. State Aids do not have any specific description in terms of legislation of EU. However the basic provisions of state aids have been determined in Treaty of European Community (Treaty of Rome) article 87, 88, 89 and in Treaty of Lisbon article 107 and 108. The article 87 of Treaty of Rome prohi bits any aids given by member states and their resources, providing advantages to a specific firm or production of a specific good. In this way the article aims to prevent negative effects on competition, competitive area and trade between member states. The task of monitoring state aids is given to European Commission to protect competition and trade. However Treaty of Rome gives permission clearly to some exemptions of state aid if there is a benefit to European Union. It should be noted that state aid precautions can be effective tools in some situations to reach common goals of union. In general it can be said that state aids can increase competitiveness of European Union by correcting market deficiencies and improving the functioning of market. We look at State Aid Policy of EU in the Treaty of Rome. According to the article 87(1), an aid can be named as State Aid by providing the following four conditions: Transfer of Resources : There must be an intervention by the State or through State Resources Economic Advantage : It must confer an advantage on the recipient Distortion of Competition : It must distort or threaten to distort competition Effect on Trade : It must be liable to affect trade between member states. Especially third and fourth conditions are related to concept selectivity which is very important for the definition of State Aid in terms of granting an advantage to a certain company, production of specific products or development of a specific region (Friederiszick, H. W., Rà ¶ller, L. H., Verouden, V. (2006). European State Aid Control: an economic framework.) Economic parties which receiving aid must be in an economic activity and must operate in a trade market between member states. It is not important for recipient to be in a profit seeking activity or not. The important thing here is being in an economic activity. Compatibility Criteria We look at Compatibility Criteria about State Aid Policy of EU in the Treaty of Rome. Despite the negative presumption of Article 87(1) , state aid can be taken into account as compatible with the common market if one or more exemptions of Article 87(2) and 87(3) are fulfilled. The following may be considered to be compatible with the common market: Aid to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious unemployment Aid to promote the execution of an important project of common European interest or to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State Aid to facilitate the development of certain economic activities or of certain economic areas, where such aid does not adversely affect trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest Aid to promote culture and heritage conservation where such aid does not affect trading conditions and competition in the Community to an extent that is contrary to the common interest Such other categories of aid as may be specified by decision of the Council acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission. Paragraphs a and c settle the legal base for counting regional investment aids compatible. Paragraph a points out regions with income levels per head significantly below the EU average and paragraph c is related to regions with income and employment levels below the average of the member states (Friederiszick, H. W., Rà ¶ller, L. H., Verouden, V. (2006). European State Aid Control: an economic framework.). The general principle behind the Commissions compatibility assessment is to balance the positive impact of the aid measure (pursuing an objective of common interest) against its potential negative effects (distortions of trade and competition). As mentioned above Commission looks at competition and trade aspects of state aids for making an efficient control. At this point it is known that state aids cause more distortions in markets which are more competitive than others. Clearly if market shares of the firms are small and if there is firms with low profit margins, state aids in this market (given to a specific firm or a group of firms) may have greater distortive effect. The Economics of State Aid Control: Basic Concepts The economics of state aid is related to these fields of economics: Public Economics, The Economics of Competition and International Trade Theory. State Ads must be looked at the window of Public Economics to analyze the purpose and effectiveness of state intervention in the national economy. As mentioned earlier the economics of competition is slightly related to state aids to analyze the impact of state aid on competition. European Commission pays attention to state aid to study its policies in an international context. European Union intends to raise welfare of the EU citizens by using state aids as in other ways. Economists developed social welfare functions in the early years of 20th century. Social welfare function seen as an indicator of total utility of society. Some researches, studies and practices showed the economists that there are two theorems of welfare economics. First theorem says that all competitive markets make Pareto  [2]  Efficient allocation of goods and services. Second theorem says that any income distribution and allocation of resources can be reachable by competitive markets. First theorem points out efficiency concept while second one does that for equity concept. Economists recognizes government intervention in some market failure situations on the basis of efficiency like externalities, public goods, information asymmetries/ missing markets, imperfect competition/ market power. State Aids can be seen as necessary in some cases as an intervention of government. If we look at this topic from the basis of equality, it is not incorrect to say that the mission of governments is to product more fair and equitable outcomes. State aids or any government intervention can be accepted if most fair and optimal resource allocation will be gained after that. Because individual is the reason for being governments and unions. And government intervention and state aids can be accepted for happiness and welfare of individuals (Friederiszick, H. W., Rà ¶ller, L. H., Verouden, V. (2006). European State Aid Control: an economic framework.). Briefly if we think distribution of income as a cake; we can make cake better by increasing the efficiency of an economy and thereby pushing the welfare frontier outward or we can divide the cake better by distributing the available resources in a way that maximizes the preferences of society for equity and redistribution. Therefore the welfare frontier can be moved along. Limits of State Aid A state aid can be measured as effective and provides equity to reach a better welfare point. However for this welfare function there will be some significant problems to be solved. Firstly it is very hard to measure the size of market failure resulting with state aid. For example; lets think a research and development activity which imposes positive externalities. Socially desired output exceeds personal output with a subsidy which is a desirable condition. But there will be uncertainty about the size of economic inefficiency resulted by subsidy. Besides that; benefits gained from a state aid must exceed its costs. State Aids are costly and benefits and these costs must be compared by taking into account the opportunity costs. After that making the decision will be appropriate. As mentioned above frequently the biggest harm of state aids is the condition of distorting competition. Lastly one of the failure of governments is inefficient decision making problem which is a result of deficiencies in providing information can be a bottleneck of success of state aids in terms of efficiency and equity. Principal agent problem between politicians and bureaucrats distorts the political decision making process. Additionally principal agent problem between citizens and politicians is the biggest handicap of representative democracy. As we know this problem occurs when parties have different set of goals. In this context principal agent problem can cause different outcomes of EU state aid than desired ones. With all these consequences one can understand that a state aid can be possible reaching the best desired point (efficient, remedial distributional outcomes/ income distribution) with perfect information (Friederiszick, H. W., Rà ¶ller, L. H., Verouden, V. (2006). European State Aid Control: an economic framework.). Rationales for European State Aid Control It is mentioned above that European Union has targets like helping undeveloped areas to develop, serving European Unions common interests, protecting cultural heritages and increasing employment. It is needed to have an efficient control mechanism for reaching these targets with a more efficient and equitable way. More specifically we can mention three basic rationales of EU state aid control. Cross- Border Externalities: If governments do not take into account the side effects of their intervention, there will emerge cross- border externalities. Member states can try to take advantage of international oligopoly profits by means of state aids even when they compete each other. National Commitment Problems: These problems are generally related to soft budget constraints. Because governments can not establish regulations about transparent budget rules, private firms can be affected from this, negatively. If firms do not have enough incentives to be efficient, it can not be provided the social/ optimal efficiency and one can not mention about any increase in welfare. Internal Market Rationale: The competition will increase by means of integrated European Markets. In addition to this there will be taken appropriate steps for economic development by means of restructuring firms. However state aids without efficient control mechanism harm EU internal market. Because if firms do not compete or do not need to compete in consequence of state aids they receive, benefits from giving state aids can not be provided; on the contrary competition could be distorted. The point to be considered here is that the aid also must provide free circulation of goods and services if and only if under the conditions of competition (Friederiszick, H. W., Rà ¶ller, L. H., Verouden, V. (2006). European State Aid Control: an economic framework.). To make compatible its laws and regulations with European Union, Turkey established Competition Authority in December 1994. De Minimis Rule Treaty of European Community prohibits aids given by state resources, which are distorting competition or having impact to distort competition and affecting trade between member states. Nevertheless European Commission has the opinion that small aids do not have any potential distortive effect on trade and competition between member states. For this reason the Commission introduced a rule named as De Minimis Rule to decrease administrative burden on member states and the Commission itself. According to the De Minimis regularization there is not any negative effect of aids below 200.000 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ (for a period of three years) on trade between member states and this will not cause distortion of competition (Ä °lhan, B. (2010). Avrupa BirliÄÅ ¸i Rekabet PolitikasÄ ±nda Devlet YardÄ ±mlarÄ ± ve Tà ¼rkiyenin Uyumu. SayÄ ±Ãƒâ€¦Ã… ¸tay Dergisi, 76, 101-132) An Effect Based Approach to European State Aid Control One of the most important points to draw attention to state aids is the concept of Common Interest. For this reason it will be beneficial take into account competition when approaching the consumer welfare and efficient allocation of resources. Some economists give great attention to these important points to evaluate state aids: The State Aid addresses a market failure or other objective of common interest. The State Aid is well targeted. It must provide an incentive effect. The distortions of competition are sufficiently limited so that the overall balance is positive. Economists will advocate state aids if they provide these specialties above. As we understand it is very important to distinguish good aid from bad aid (Friederiszick, H. W., Rà ¶ller, L. H., Verouden, V. (2006). European State Aid Control: an economic framework.). In 2005 a new strategic plan named as State Aid Action Plan (SAAP) made by European Commission. The Commission suggested a more refined economic approach in state aid in order to ensure a proper and more transparent evaluation of the distortions on competition and trade associated with state aid measures by SAAP. With this suggestion, Commission proposes also using economic analysis to identify market failures that are meet to be overcome by the aid. Commission proposes a three stage balancing test to achieve these targets. Clearly to distinguish good aid from bad aid Commission wants to use to evaluate aids before giving them. The test consists of questions on the purpose of evaluation and specifying the necessity and qualification of aids. Is the aid measure aimed at a well defined objective of common interest like growth, employment, cohesion and environment? Is the aid well designed to deliver the objective of common interest, i.e. does the proposal aid address the market failure or other objective? Is the state aid an appropriate policy instrument? Is there an incentive effect, i.e. does the aid change the behavior of firms? Is the aid measure proportional, i.e. could the same change in behaviour be obtained with less aid? Are the distortions of competition and effect on trade limited, so that the overall balance is positive? First two steps address the positive effects of state aids and the third one addresses negative effects. According to the Commission the results / answers acquired from these steps/ questions will determine the qualification and limits of a good and efficient state aid. This balancing test give an opportunity to focus on less and better targeted aid (Heimler, A. Jenny, F. (2012). Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 28, Number 2, 2012, pp. 347-367). European Union State Aid Policy and State Aid Plans prepared with Lisbon Strategy According to State Aids Action Plan, State Aids that are prepared within the context of Lisbon Strategy must concentrate on these priority areas below: Targeting innovation and Research Development to strengthen the knowledge society. Generating a better workplace and encouraging entrepreneurship Investing on human resources Increasing the quality of services of general economic interest Better prioritization scaling by means of simplification and combination A result oriented regional state aid policy Encouraging a sustainable future environmentally Establishing infrastructures of modern transportation, energy, knowledge and telecommunication technology (Avrupa Komisyonu, State Aid Action Plan, Brà ¼ksel, 7 Haziran 2005, s. 8-12) Conclusion EU started its adventure with European Coal and Steel Community to overcome destructive effects of Second World War on European Nations. However the target of Single Market has not been accomplished yet. EU proceeded a great way to accomplish this target for half a century. And still makes a great effort to develop the union and to reach European Single Market. The practice of State Aid and its control mechanism are parts of this effort to reach the target of Single Market. An efficient control mechanism will help EU to reach its goals. In doing so the balancing test suggested within the context of Lisbon Strategy will help to distinguish good aid from bad aid. European Union has passed a considerably long and successful process since the establishment and development of first communities. It will be great acquisition for Turkey becoming a part of this union to accelerate economic and social development.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Binary Oppositions in Leda and the Swan Essays -- Leda and the Swan Es

Binary Oppositions in Leda and the Swan Yeats' "Leda and the Swan" uses the binary oppositions of the beauty and viciousness of Zeus as a swan and the helplessness and eventual strength of Leda, Yeats reveals that even the mightiest entities may suffer the consequences of their misuse of power. In "Leda and the Swan," the beauty of the swan is contrasted with the physical attributes of a swan who acts out his male animalistic power over his female prey, demonstrating the raw male and female relationships in nature. Swan are huge birds, and as pointed out in the Internet site "The Swan and Leda" (a poem on the same subject as "Leda and the Swan") "Swans, unlike most birds, have external genitals" (1). Thus, the swan is a perfect animal for such a hideous crime as Zeus performs on Leda. In further developing the underlying repercussion theme, the basis of the poem must be analyzed. In Greek Mythology, Zeus disguises himself as a swan in order to lure the pure and sexually ripe Leda into violence. Critical Survey of Poetry, edited by Frank N. Magill, says, "In the tale from antiquity, a Spartan Queen, Leda, was so beautiful that Zeus, ruler of the Gods, decided that he must have her. Since the immortals usually did not present themselves to humankind in their divine forms, Zeus changed himself into a great swan and in that shape ravished the helpless girl" (3716). Zeus as the swan is described as being "great" and of "feathered glory" (lines 1-6). He is a terrific product of nature, yet his male sexual tendencies get the better of him, and he gives into his uncontrollable lust for Leda. Zeus is a selfish male who uses his superhuman powers to exploit an innocent human. Clearly, the oppositions Yeats uses provoke intrig... ...Literary Criticism. Ed. Dennis Poupard. Detroit: Gale Publishing, 1989. 397. Hathorn, Richmond Y. Greek Mythology. Lebanon: The American University of Beirut, 1977. Johnsen, William. Yeats and Postmodernism. New York: Syracuse University Press, 1991. Kuehn, Robert E. "Yeats." Contemporary Literature Criticism. Ed. Dedria Bryfronski. Detroit: Gale Publishing, 1979. 284. Lucas, John. "Yeats." World Literature Criticism. Ed. James P. Draper. Detroit: Gale Publishing, 1992. 4110. Magill, Frank N. ed. Critical Survey of Poetry. Pasedena: Salem Press, 1992. "The Swan and Leda." On-line. Internet. July, 1996. Available Netscape Navigator: Yeats, William Butler.   "Leda and the Swan." Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense.   4th ed.   Ed. Laurence Perrine.   New York: Harcourt.   1983.   636

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Controlling Organized Crime Essay

Organized crime groups have been around since the 1900’s. The mafia who came from Italy and other countries to the United States started their business and became a nuisance over a period. The mob became a problem for society with their illegal activities such as gambling, racketeering and prostitution that includes other violent behaviors. The mafia was famous for manipulating individuals with their power and greed. These organized crime units became so popular that it took a group of FBI special agents and special trained police officers to shut down the most powerful and notorious organized crime units. This paper will provide definitions, principles, and theories from previous assignments, in which a thesis will be established regarding the control of organized crime. In addition, this paper will identify the problems presented and the various relationships created by organized crime. The legal limitations associated with combating organized crime, including a critique of the large federal laws and strategies that support this effort. Suggestions for a realistic solution to control organized crime by discussing and evaluating the effectiveness of organized crime organized crime prosecutions. Even though, Fear and intimidation makes it hard to bring members of organized crime groups to justice, organized crime and gangs is a major problem to society. It has destroyed many neighborhoods and families. Murder, drugs, prostitution, corrupt political officials and police departments have always been a part of the organized crime groups. These organized groups and gangs will continue to exist so long as there is fear within our society. Identify the problems presented and the various relationships established by organized crime Organized crime is a major problem to society. It has destroyed many neighborhoods with drugs, prostitution, and murder and corrupt political and police departments. Many people believe that these organizations start from individuals who are living in high crime areas, who suffer from poverty and uneducated. The truth of the matter is that many of these individuals build their empires through their intelligence. They become structured organizations that many people fear. They use scare tactics to members of society that allows them to get away with their illegal activities. Society becomes some concerned that they were scared to report these criminal activities to the police. Organized crime and street gangs both uses their power and violent behaviors against members of their communities. Some criminal activities they are connected with including murder, extortion and bribery. These groups use a lot of scare tactics and intimidation against members of the community that continue to run down our neighborhoods with more crime. Describe the legal limitations associated with combating organized crime, including a critique of the large federal laws and strategies that support this effort. Organized crime consists of different ethical backgrounds and language barriers. They do not racial profile against these groups; however, to be of another ethnic origin makes it hard for an individual to join. Police used individuals who were familiar with their territory they are often from the same ethnic backgrounds who understand their language and how they operate. The problem that occurred with legal limitations was learning how the organized groups operated. They began to recruit from within to take down these groups. The groups used store fronts, trafficking, and other members to hide their illegal  activities. Many of their illegal operations evolved around money with educated people to cover up the transactions made it harder for law enforcement to arrest these individuals. Suggest a realistic solution to control organized crime by discussing and evaluating the effectiveness of organized crime prosecutions. Law enforcement at one point did not believe that organized crime will end. It may be targeted and decrease over time both the truth is organized crime will always exist and will be a part of our society and make it hard for police to bring these individuals to justice and prosecuted. One solution in preventing organized crime will be to charge all persons involved in illegal activities. To bring these people to justice and made an example. These individuals should face hard time for their illegal activities. Providing harsher sentences will deter individuals from joining these organized groups, or gangs are to show these individuals that they can and will be punished for their crimes. Bring more police power to high crime areas could also eliminate the initiation of these groups. Educating individuals on the importance of how not to join these groups could put trust back into the community. Provide more job training and alternative actions when they fear intimidation of joining these groups. Police officers should have extensive training that teaches how to conduct productive investigations could also eliminate criminal acts. Organized crime consists of members of a group who carry out criminal acts to gain profit and power. This action could include murder, abuse and intimidation among their members. The use of violence prevents members within a neighborhood or the group to come forward; this makes it hard to bring the organizers to justice. Organized crime groups and gangs act under some of the same structures that make it hard to distinguish if they are a gang or an organized crime group. They both promote within their groups as status quo. Many of the members are family of their leaders. One preventive method would be to keep taking down  these groups eliminate their ability to become successful. Organized members or gangs often choose to live their lives as criminals and thrive on performing illegal activities. Their use their fame and power to intimidate and promote more members. These are self-employed criminals who sometimes do not see a way out of their criminal behavior. Organized crime and gangs will never end. However, the police force is continuing to look for ways to eliminate these groups. Many of the laws that are in place to crack down on these operations are not the most efficient. One way to remove some of these illegal activities is to legalize some of their business profits. According to Lyman (2007) â€Å"there are theories in organized criminal theories that help to the understanding of criminal organizations. There are three methods of organized crime that assist to the understanding of criminal organizations. The first theory is the Alien Conspiracy theory, which blames outside influences and outsiders for the rise of organized crime in American society. Second, the Rational Choice Theory is when a person weighs the pros and cons of living a particular lifestyle; in addition they also know what the consequences of their actions are as well.† Finally, the deterrence theory is when punishment is instituted as a threat to deter others from offending. Clearly deterrence is an opinion many studies states that criminals who are arrested are not necessarily deterring from criminal behavior. The bottom line is that when punishment is used as a threat it is up to that individual, not to commit any further crime. References: Lyman, M. D., & Potter, G. W. (2007). Organized Crime (4th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Mallory, S. L. (2007). Understanding Organized Crime. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Social Disorganization. (2012). Retrieved from

Friday, November 8, 2019

My College Years Essays

My College Years Essays My College Years Essay My College Years Essay There is no standard definition for a successful life but the Journey to success starts with you creating a list of personal goals for yourself to achieve in the near future. Goal setting is a powerful process for you to think about our ideal future and to motivate yourself to turn your vision of this future into a reality. In addition, the process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life and by knowing precisely what you have to achieve in life, you will know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Moreover, without goals to work towards will mean that you re living life without any clear direction or focus and without concentration and guidance, frustration and stress can often occur as resulting in mild form of depression. Establishing your own personal goals in life can also help you organize your time and resources and it focuses your acquisition of knowledge so you can make the most out of your life. Furthermore, you will raise your self-confidence level as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you have set. My name is Hao Nguyen and I am currently a sophomore attending Savanna High School, home of the rebels. I would describe my personality as very humorous, kind, helpful, loyal, trustful, cheerful and humble. I am involve in many clubs, extra curricular activities and organizations at my school like Project S. A. Y, A. V. I. D, ASB, Girls Inc. and many more. Although, I am above average in all of my academic classes, I especially enjoy the subjects math and history. In addition, my favorite elective class is a leadership course call ASB which stands for associated student body because I get to help organize many of the school events and an opportunity to improve my campus by voicing the needs, wants and concerns of the students.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Proctor confess Essays

Proctor confess Essays Proctor confess Paper Proctor confess Paper The inevitability of Proctors death is reinforced when Danforth orders Elizabeth to the court. Elizabeth must admit to firing Abigail for having an affair with her husband, so that Abby can be charged with murder but instead she says that she fired Abigail because she thought that her husband fancied her and therefore tells the court that Proctor never committed adultery. She did this because she thought she was protecting her husband, which expresses the deep loves between them but somehow dooms her husband as he is then charged and the audience still feel he will not lie to save himself. Elizabeth denying her husbands affair is also ironic as to save him from accusations of witchcraft, she has to condemn him for adultery. Miller has already shown she is an honest woman who never lies, but at the time where her honesty is needed the most she chooses to lie. Proctor cries out for Elizabeth to tell the truth because he has already confessed, but Danforth orders Elizabeth to leave. This shows her strength of character and how she really cares for her husband, as she is only willing to lie for loved ones and not to save her own skin. John Proctor also has an extremely strong and sensible character as is easily aware of the foolishness and wickedness. He is aware of the stupidity of the witchcraft trials and also aware of how wicked Abigail is. Abigails simple, vengeful, malicious motives are easily seen by the audience and the Proctors but are difficult for the other members of Salem to see. For that reason and many others, John Proctor is an extremely well respected, influential member of the village; he is a good example. Proctor is the voice of reason and justice in The Crucible. He is a good man but because of his affair with Abigail Williams, he questions whether or not he is a moral man, yet this major sin is the only big fault he has had. Miller places John Proctor as the main protagonist of the play, as he is the main moral character. He is a rational man with a rough manner who seems not to care about expressing his own true opinion. Miller portrays Proctor as quite a modern man, who is not superstitious and shows that he has doubt in some of the aspects of orthodox religion, mainly he hates Parris hypocritical fascination with hell. He symbolises humanity in the play, he is someone who has made mistakes and learned from them, this draws the audiences sympathy to him, even if he is a sinner who has had an affair. The true character of Proctor that Miller portrays towards the end of The Crucible hardly seems capable of giving in to lust for a controlling, wicked young girl like Abigail. Abigails wickedness is revealed in further depth when she dramatically claims that Mary Warrens spirit is attacking her as a bird, trying to hurt her. Even when Mary Warren begins to cry she continues expresses just how cruel and heartless she is. The trials started because so many people were breaking the orthodox rules of the puritan religion and sinning but Abby sins so easily and breaks the Ten Commandments by lying, in this way she can use religion to her advantage. Abby is such a deceptive hypocrite, just the type of person Proctor hates most which seems to make it unbelievable that Proctor ever got mixed up with her. Proctor mistakenly overestimated Mary Warren as he underestimated Abigail as he felt that Mary Warren was strong enough to not give in to the spiteful treatment from Abby. He was wrong as even when Mary Warren tries to tell the court that the girls are lying, she soon breaks down and tells Danforth that Proctor is the Devils man, and that he made her sign the Devils book and made her try to overthrow the court. He strongly believes in justice and cries out that God is dead and that a fire is burning in Hell because the court is pulling Heaven down and raising up a whore. This expresses his care for truth, integrity, and most importantly God. The court officials feel terribly guilty after Proctor has been taken away as they know that he strongly cares for the truth and now know that the accusations of witchcraft are all lies, as a result of these lies an innocent mans life may end. They ask Elizabeth to plea with him and ask him to reconsider admitting to witchcraft so his life will therefore be spared, expressing the great respect outsiders from the claustrophobic village of Salem have for him, which was very unusual as the society was so close and confined. When he is brought in to see his wife; he looks filthy and pitiful and has suffered a lot, including being tortured. This expresses his strength and willing to do what is moral and just. He does not talk about the pain and persecution he has suffered and asks about Elizabeths pregnancy and the boys which shows how he puts his family before himself and how much he deeply cares for them as he is willing to go through so much for them. The key test for Proctor is if he will allow himself to suffer yet more pain for the cause of justice or if he will choose to save himself. It is considered if it is a worse to lie to save yourself or if it is worse to tell the truth even if it leads to your death. Miller shows that Proctor can choose to face his death for his pride and his beliefs, as it is not a question only of his reputation, but it also about the reputation of his family. He feels he could not be a good father to his children if he gave up his name to save himself so easily. He does not wish to admit to witchcraft as he wants to hold up the family name, he is such a well respected man and he wants to keep that respect by doing what is right and not continuing the accusations which have caused so much misery already. He asks Elizabeth what she would think if he confessed to witchcraft, but Elizabeth says that she cannot judge him. She says that she will have him do what he wishes, but she does want him alive. He says that he cannot mount the gibbet as a saint; for it would be a fraud but she says that she has her own sins, for only a cold wife would let her husband have an affair. This shows how brave both of them are as they know the consequences of not admitting to the accusations and illustrates just how much Proctor cares about, not only his, but his familys name. Proctors concern about upholding the family name is emphasised more when Proctor finally says that he will confess to witchery, as he asks Elizabeth once again if what he is doing is evil but she answers that she cannot judge. Proctors strength and bravery lead to the conclusion that he is strong enough to face his own death by not admitting to witchcraft. His great indecisiveness and hesitation in admitting to the charge also further helps to create the audiences belief in his inevitable death. However, Proctors hesitancy gives a false sense of hope to the audience as it is believed that such a good, decent mans life will not end because of the wickedness of one young girl. Nevertheless, tension is added and the audience return to feeling that John Proctors death will be inevitable as when the court officials demand a written confession, he demands to know why he must sign. They want him to sign to show the people in the rest of the village, who will not confess, what they should do and to prove the purity of his soul to others. This shows how the rest of the village looks up to and respects him, its a weighty name; it will strike the village that Proctor confess. However, he is an extremely proud man, I have given you my soul, now leave me my name. He feels that he has confessed to God and that that is enough, further expressing his faith in God. The officials also ask him to say that he saw other people with the devil therefore accusing them of witchery. He wants to know if his regret must be public and asks how he can teach his children to walk like men if he has sold his friends. Proctor wishes to keep only his name for the respectability of his children and consequently Danforth refuses to accept his confession and orders that he is to be hanged. He will not even lie to save his life even though he knows his death will not be justified. Elizabeth is begged to plead with Proctor to sign a confession, but Elizabeth states that Proctor has his goodness now, and God forbid that she take it from him showing her great self-control and willpower. Elizabeth shows the sense to do what is right and wrong but by doing this Proctor is faced with the dilemma of accepting his own death, causing bringing shame on his family name even though everyone around him wants him to stay alive. Elizabeth is finally shown not to be a cold woman; she refuses to try to influence her husband and even admits her faults, accepting some bit of the blame for her husbands affair. It shows that she can overcome her problems as she does not run and leave her husband when she discovered the affair. She is also quite fragile here showing the strong emotions and clear compassion she has towards her husband. Elizabeth shows great strength of mind and generally as a person. She eventually forgives him for the sins he has committed and knows that he is now faithful as he is willing to give so much up for her. She is extremely strong as she lets her husband do what is right even if it means she will never see him again. She also shows strength and bravery as her execution is left looming for another year until after she has given birth to her baby and will never get to see the child grow up. Miller emphasises Proctors strength and courage in the way he presents Proctor as a martyr as he died for the cause of justice and for what is right. His bravery and courage in the event of his death lets his amazing strength of character show and creates not only the audiences respect for him but also the respect of the villagers of Salem. Even outsiders of the village such as Hale and Danforth have admiration for him, as he is willing to give his life for the cause of justice. He is extremely emotional and is extremely concerned about holding up the respect of the family name and reputation, both illustrate his deep love for his wife, you are a marvel, Elizabeth and his love for his children. He also knows he will never even get to see his baby grow up. These strong characteristics of his personality make his death and the ending of the play unavoidable. This inevitability is clear, as there are certain aspects of his character that will not let him stand and let his name be disrespected and to go against his main beliefs and integrity. He does not believe in blackening his name for the sake of survival and overcomes adversity by not giving in to the pressures of society, which ultimately ends in death. It is this untimely death that cleanses him from all of his past sins and lets his once true, hidden character shine; the true character of a moral, honourable, well respected man.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 213

Assignment Example The public health nurses role in delivering these interventions is to participate in the care-giving work when the patients affected by the disease seek medical assistance. The other role is to participate in the public awareness campaigns and demonstrate to people on how to live a healthy lifestyle. The regulatory guideline is to implement improved and enhanced heart disease prevention efforts. The actual ethical implication is to improve the health of all people through equity, in their all life stages (People & US Department of Health and Human Services, 2011).The American Heart association through federal funding is actual funder of these interventions while the U.S ministry of Health and Human Services acts as a potential funder of the interventions. As mentioned above, the primary intervention is to prevent and treat heart disease to prevent the deaths it causes among the U.S population. The secondary intervention is to hold public prevention campaigns to create awareness to people about the disease. The tertiary intervention is to engage other sectors to help to fight the disease. The basic elements of community health nursing practice include prevention and treatment of health problems. This relates well with the primary intervention which is to prevent and treat heart diseases. The other element is to promote healthful living. This can be achieved by empowering people through public health campaigns which relates with the secondary intervention. Rehabilitation and research is another element of community health nursing practice (Maurer & Smith, 2012). This relates with the tertiary intervention as other sectors can join to rehabilitate and conduct research of the disease. Florence Nightingale’s theory of nursing can b e used as a framework for community health nursing practice. This theory is a patient-care theory. It focuses on patient’s care rather than the nursing process (Selanders, 1993).  This is

Friday, November 1, 2019

Discuss the concept of sustainable development and discuss its Essay

Discuss the concept of sustainable development and discuss its analytical relevance to the development prospects of developing countries - Essay Example inition has two essential concepts the first one being concept of needs which especially covers the needs of the world’s poor that needs to be prioritized. Secondly, the definition presents the idea of limitations in terms of resources which is as a result of technologies and social structures which strains the ability of the environment to satisfy present and future needs of human populations (Ciegis, Ramanauskiene and Martinkus 2009). Based on the definition by Brundtland report, it is apparent that human beings are faced with many possibilities for the satisfaction of needs. These possibilities might have different meanings depending on how the available alternatives are conceived either based on production and consumption, or various social and environmental functions. Pierantoni (2004) note that these possibilities that human populations deal with can be associated with the different types of capital that include human, economic, ecologic, and social capital which are all essential variables in the understanding of sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development has in its core the needs of human beings as opposed to those of other species, animals or ecosystems. On limitations, sustainable development establishes only boundaries and not absolute limitations but restrains, that applies to the present environmental resources and their capacity to absorb the effects of human activity. Consequently, the concept of sustainable development should be perceived as an equitable and balanced development. This basically means that for development to be consistent over a long period, it should take into account the interests of different groups of people within a given generation and among different generations and do so concurrently in three major related areas of economic, environmental, and social (Soubbotina 2004). In the context of developing countries, the essence sustainable development calls for the dramatic reduction of poverty and hunger in