Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marketing to Baby Boomers

The Baby Boomers generation is generally classified by the children born after World War II; specifically anyone born between 1946 and 1964. The veterans, as we know them today came back from war, settled down, got married and had children. This was a great time in America as their economy was improving vastly as opposed to other nations of the world. It was a time of affluence, particularly in the Western side of the world. The â€Å"boom† describes the greatly increasing birth rate at these times. As seen in the following diagram, birth rates were higher than ever during 1946 and 1964, with a very close second in the late 1980’s and very early 1990’s. Currently, there are 78 million baby boomers in America, accounting for 40% of the adult population. This gives motivation to marketers to want to sell to this age segment. Persons 45 and older are responsible for 55% of the total consumer spending in the U. S. Marketers are striving to segment the market in such a way, that they will be able to target this age group and market directly to them. There is a vast difference in the ages of Baby Boomers. 1946 to 1964 accounts for a maximum age difference of 18 years. It is important to notice that those who are the older boomers, also called the ‘Golden Boomers’ would have different needs to be satisfied that those that are younger. This age segment can then be further segmented into the golden boomers who, today would be between the ages of 65 and 56, and the younger baby boomers being 55 and 47. Sub-Segmented Baby Boomers The maturing market segment as classified by Moschis, Lee, Mathur, & Strautman, in their book â€Å"The Maturing Marketplace; Buying Habits of Baby Boomers and Their Parents†, can be broken down into four main categories. Firstly, there are the Healthy Indulgers (18%) who are the more affluent and focus more on enjoying life than their careers. They tend to engage in purchasing activities that revolve around their own independence. Secondly are the Healthy Hermits (36%) who have experienced some attitude-changing occurrence in life such as the death of a spouse, and are in turn socially withdrawn. Marketing strategies that focus on conformity work well amongst this segment as they try not to stand out. The following two categories are less affluent than the previously mentioned segments. They are also the segments that look forward to their own house or appartment, as opposed to the previous that intend to move into a retirement home or a nursing home. The third group are the Ailing outgoers. These represent 29 % of the baby boomers. These are people who have accepted their â€Å"old age† but are still willing to get the most out of life and tend to be influenced by money-saying incentives. Lastly are Frail Recluses (17%) who are very similar to the ailing outgoers, however they have accepted spirituality into their lives and keep high spirits through their strengthened faiths. Information that is very interesting to the marketer is that not all individuals stay in one group in their life time. A healthy hermit might be influenced to join a church and increase their knwoledge of faith, thus leading to a switch to be more likfe frail recluses. Also, these segments don’t have set boundaries, and persons are more likely to be classifed by one of those four sub-sections by leading, defining characteristics, rather than completely defined through all the expected qualities. The experiences that each person goes through is what really puts them in any particular group. The Baby- Boomer Misconception A problem that many companies face is their set perception of older generations. There is a stigma that they don’t really have an opinion on what they buy and they will buy the products anyway. This is a sure way to failure when having goods produced for this age segment. Another mistake commonly made by firms is the misconception that â€Å"Baby Boomers have never grown up. † They believe that when targeting to younger generations, the marketing will reach the baby boomers as well. Though baby boomers have been recently showing tendencies of younger generations that do not fit the general description of their age group, such as openness to new experiences, and engaging in activities that are health and fitness revolved, this is not a reason to assume they will be influenced by the same marketing schemes targeted at younger generations. What Nyren suggests from his text is that infomercials is the upcoming media for marketing toward baby boomers. This age segment has a longer attention span, and they want to know more information on the products they buy. More times than not, the television ads that last 30 seconds are perceptively dismissed, and would not have had any impact on them. Perhaps then, the companies that market to this segment, should redirect their marketing efforts toward 30 minute commercials. There is a stigma attached to infomercials that they are long air-time wasting nonsense that no one watches, and for the most part, it’s true; these are not the infomercials that would grab the attention of the baby boomer. They want to gain more knowledge. They want to be informed before making purchasing decision, and infomercials tend to give the time needed for explanations. The trick is indeed to find a way to captivate the target market’s attention. According to the authors of â€Å"The Maturing Marketplace†, the baby boomers are heavily influenced by price specials and reductions. These are likely to be in the their top considerations when making several types of purchases such as hotels, airlines or cruises. On the topic of travel, they majority notion is that they enjoy travelling, but do not have the funds for it. Also, they are concerned that if they do have the funds for it now, after the recession, and they spend it on this leisurely experience, that they may not have funds for future necessities like their own health care, and funds to take of their families. In theory, an infomercial about a cruise that is targeted toward this age segment, that focuses on getting value for your money and having readily available medical attention is likely to be very effective. Purchasing Behaviour of Baby Boomers Marketers have to accept that marketing to any group with all the greatest efforts will still not always be as effective as one would like it to be. This is again because of one’s predisposition toward a product or message because of one’s experiences. A person who might have had a bad experience with a Russian individual may be inclined to stay away from products manufactured in Russia. However, marketers must still try to market these groups directly by attempting to find out their values and market their product in a way that would appeal to these values. Through much research, several values have been found that relate to baby boomers more than any other age segment. The first of many values is independence. This generation throughout time has redefined that age group at that time; they never stuck to their elder’s traditional values and beliefs. Whereas older generations tended to be more party-loyal with regards to politics, the baby boomer generation always had to know more about the parties, and the issues that affected them and that the parties stood for. Their independence also stemmed from the availability of options given to them that were not offered to their elders. They grew up in a time of affluence, and this ability for choice stuck with them throughout the years. This is an interesting value to be known by marketers as they would want to appeal to this. Positioning products in the minds of these consumers as giving them their independence, especially as they are now getting to a stage in their lives where they may require help, would be quite effective. A value that is held so dearly to the baby boomer is individualism. Again, stemming from their years being brought up, they were able to create their own paths, and basically be whoever they so chose. This is why life- insurance companies that offer customized plans do quite well. The individual wants to feel that their status is being considered, and that that they have choices with regards to costs and other aspects of a life- insurance plan. Another value is humanity. This is reflected in their desire for better customer service. A company with friendly, helpful staff is definitely much more appreciated than those without. Though this group highly upholds independence, they also want to know that when they go to purchase an item at a store, that they will be given the appropriate attention, and that the sales person would be competence in their field. The invention of the automated answering machine that are so popularly used by companies today are abhorred by this generation. They want to talk to a real person, who would assist them as necessary. These companies have implemented these answering machines to save on salaries. However, they are losing out on a lot more than that amount because people are straying away from that. They are taking their business elsewhere. Comfort is a value that is upheld by the baby boomers. They want products that will fit well into their lives. They want commodities that will be compatible with their routines. The marketer of a product such a diabetes testing machine, a product that would be necessary in their lives once diagnosed with diabetes, should position the product as easy to use, and quick. This is extended to other related values such as easily read literature on drugs. A marketer of a pharmacy should market his pharmacy as convenient for all their pharmaceutical needs. This then leads to the next value. Convenience is very important those in this age segment. Most of these values go hand in hand, though many marketers, as mentioned before, have the belief that this age segment is going to buy their products anyway. Baby boomers want the added convenience that they can be offered. When choosing a housing arrangement, they would to know that if needed, medical attention would be readily available and easy to attain. As mentioned previously, baby boomers take a lot of time when considering prices. Special deals and price reductions appeal to them a lot; money- saving incentives such as coupons, rebates and acceptance of various discount cards are considered by the baby boomers when deciding on what product to purchase. Youthfulness seems to be quite important today to the baby boomers. This however is sometimes misunderstood. The Baby boomers want to be healthy, and fit at their age. They are comfortable with the age that they are at, however, they want to be able to enjoy their lives to the fullest. This is why many belong to health and fitness clubs. The misconceptions lies in the thought that they want to dress like younger generations, and involve themselves in activities typical of generation xers and younger; this is certainly not true. They don’t want to engage in the activities, but they want the feeling of being younger. They want that their age not be a limitation to the sense of thrill and excitement that they would have felt when they were younger. The baby boomers want to feel secure. Security is a great need of baby boomers. However, they require different types of security; financial security, home security, security of mind with regards to their health. Financial services marketed to the baby boomers have to take into consideration the various segments of baby boomers. For example, brokerage firms specifically target healthy hermits. The home security marketers would target the more affluent of the baby boomers because they would have their homes and their valuable items to secure. Again, health security is one that is gained through comfort of mind. Firms targeting baby boomer health would be successful with tactics employing round- the- clock ambulance services. Life Alert is a company that does quite well because of its attention to the security that that age segment requires. Though older generations than baby boomers would be more appealed to such an item, the older baby boomers are retiring and want that peace of mind that comes that is satisfied by Life Alert. A value that is well- known through the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs if self-actualization. Baby boomers tend to be intrinsically motivated; they are interested in engaging in activities that will give them insight to themselves. They are still searching for what makes them them and they are impacted by advertising focused on this need. Future Expectations of The Baby Boomer Segment By 2029, the last of the baby boomers would turn 65 and are likely to represent 16% of the population. Currently, the oldest baby boomers are entering retirement, and as they represent 25% of the population, 18 years of pension payments are to be paid. The concern of many is that the payment of these pensions would be a burden on younger generations. Marketing toward their independence would bring great returns as they would feel like burdens to society. Health- insurance companies and financial service companies should target this segment now, in a way that would appeal to their secure futures. Beachbody and Baby Boomers The image above is one of the many that are found in the testimonials for Beach Body’s well-known fitness program, P90X. The woman seen above is Mary Crawford, who was a 61 year old out of shape, complacent woman. She used the beachbody products over the course of two years, starting with the Power 90 series, then on to the Power 90 Master series, and then started the P90X program. The infomercial for this program can be seen on a variety of cable stations that describe how high- impact it really is. Typically, one would not assume that a woman of 60+ would want to engage in such an activity. However, that is the view that is making marketers failures. Those were the opinions of baby boomer’s elders. Today’s 47- 65 year old cohorts are willing to do what it takes to be fit and healthy. Team Beach Body is appeals to the baby boomers in several ways. Firstly, it appeals to their desire for the feeling of youth. Being healthy and fit is a major need for these people and they are able to attain this through beachbody’s programs. Secondly, it appeals to their value of comfort. Beachbody offers an array of products for different levels of fitness. Like Ms. Crawford, someone would be able to go from very low fitness to an able- bodied, fit person. The infomercials are highly effective among this group because of its expansion on the product. It gives detailed descriptions of how the program works and how it is different from other programs. Also, Tony Horton, the creator of P90X has a sense of care to him. He seems to truly care about the people he is helping with his product, and this is important to the baby boomers. He too, being born in 1958 is a baby boomer as such is an inspiration to other baby boomers. He is a sought after trainer to many. His infomercial is one that was able to catch the attention of many because unlike other infomercial that promise quick results with little effort, Tony Horton explains how the P90X program is a high intensity one that requires time and effort. At first, to a marketer, this seems almost blasphemous. However, it has proven to be effective. The baby boomers, being information seekers, want to gain information on products before purchasing. Tony Horton was able to present his program with extensive information and be honest, and that is what caught the attention of many. References

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human Development Paper Essay

The life span perspective of human development is made up of different theories of how a human develops from birth to death. Though there are many theories to show this there are only three that best explain human growth and development through the human life span. They are Psychoanalytic Theory, Social Learning Theory, and Cognitive theory. Psychoanalytic theory was originally develop by Sigmund Freud, who theorized that development occurred in five stages. The stages were characterized by sexual pleasure on a particular part of the body during each stage. The stages consisted of oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stage. The oral stages was thought to happen between birt-1year which consist of sensual pleasures of the lips, tongue, and gums, where baby are stimulated when feeding. The anal stage is thought to take place during 1-3 years. This consisted of sensual pleasure from the anus where babies are toilet trained. The phallic stage happens between years three trough six in which the sensual pleasure is the penis and girls wonder why they don’t have one. Latency is from six to eleven years in which it’s not considered a stage really but sexual need and desires have not quit formed so the child focuses on school and other things. Genital stage is thought to start in adolescents and carry on through the adulthood life. In this stage the child seeks out sexual pleasure and satisfaction. There are many environmental factors can effect theses stages of development. If the child lives in a third world country they may not have access to food and provisions as easily as other countries children do. This can affect how the child will trust others and whether or not the child will remain in a mode of survival instinct. The second theory is Social Learning Theory which was formed by Albert  Bandura. Albert Bandura theorized that humans learn by observe other people. This theory suggest that we model ourselves after the people we observe. Though perception of what is witnessed can be interpreted differently. Environment factors such as an abusive home environment could effect on how a child deals with aggression if a child witnesses a father hitting their mother they might in turn see themselves as their father and show more aggression towards others, or be very passive aggressive like the mother. As said earlier each child has their own interpretation of what they observe. The most famous theorist for Cognitive theory was Jean Piaget. The theory was believed that thought shaped are attitude, beliefs, and behaviors. James Piaget formed four stages which describe how human development occurs and changes with thought. The four stages are Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, and Formal operational. Sensorimotor takes place between birth and 2 years of age. In this stage the child develops their motor abilities and senses to better understand the world around them. The preoperational stage takes place between the ages of two and six years of age. During this stage the child thinks magically or egocentric causing the child to view the world from their own perspective. The concrete operational stage take place between the ages of six to eleven years of age. During this stage children apply logical operations to interpret their experiences. Their thinking is limited to what they can see, hear, feel and experience. Formal operational takes place from 12 years through adulthood. During this stage the adolescents and adults think about abstracts and hypothesis. During the different stages environmental effects can vary for instance a vacuum could be a dragon to a child in the preoperational stage. In conclusion the three stages that influence the life span of Human growth and development are Psychoanalytic Theory, Social Learning Theory, and Cognitive theory. Each one shows different views on how human development can take place. Each one has unique environmental aspects that can affect the growth and development of a human. Through these theories one can look back through someone’s development and understand what was effective in helping healthy development and what was ineffective or should be avoided to prevent unhealthy development.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Demand for Money Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Demand for Money - Essay Example Defining M as the money supply, P as the price level, Y as the real aggregate output and V as the Velocity of money, the average frequency of spending of a unit of money across all transactions in a given time period, the focal representation of the theory is through the equation of exchange: MV=PY. This equation simply states that the amount of money supplied multiplied by the number of times a single unit is circulated equals the nominal value of aggregate output or income. This is more or less a tautological identity. The equation of exchange however can be translated into a theory of money demand by noting that in equilibrium, money supplied is equal to money demand and therefore, M=MD and rewriting the equation of exchange as: (1) Thus, evidently, this theory implies that given a constant velocity in the short run and the price level, the demand for money is a function of Y only. Additionally, if Y is fixed at its full employment level and V is fixed in the short run then note t hat an increase in the money demand will lead to a proportional increase in the price level implying inflation. The assumption of a constant velocity in the short run follows from the belief that velocity is determined through technological and institutional factors of the economy and these factors undergo changes at very slow paces or are altered in discrete jumps over large intervals of time. Thus velocity remains unaltered over shorter time horizons. Therefore, to summarize Fischer's theory of money demand, money demand is determined by the magnitude of transactions generated by any particular level of nominal income PY and institutional and technological factors that determine the velocity of money. Rate of interest has no significance in the determination of the demand for money in an economy. The Baumol-Tobin approach to money demand is essentially an extension of Keynesian ideas regarding the demand for money. Keynes argued that interest rate has a substantial role to play in the determination of money demand. Particularly, Keynes noted that money demand has three components: the transactions demand for money, the precautionary demand for money and the speculative demand for money. Transactions demand for money is the demand that is generated due to the fact that receipts of money and expenses occur at different points in time and therefore, people have to maintain a reserve of money for transaction purposes at points in time when receipts do not occur but expenses must be made. Precautionary demand for money is the demand for cash that results due to people maintaining reserves for unforeseen contingencies. These two types of money demand, in Keynes' theory are functions of the income only. These were clubbed together by Keynes as L1(Y). The last part of money demand is the speculative demand for money which derives from the fact that people hold money since it is a store of value. According to Keynes' theory, people can either invest in bonds or hold cash money. The opportunity cost of holding cash as opposed to bonds is the forsaken interest payments or capital gains. The interest rate therefore has an inverse relationship with the speculative demand for cash. The idea was that if people expect a particular interest rate to prevail then if interest rates were above this, people would expect a decline in interest rates in future. This implies that bond

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Educational Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Educational Reflection - Essay Example As a function of engaging with this particular topic, the author will discuss three distinct ways in which my own personal experience with education has either made me into less of an individual or more of an individual. Through such examination, is the hope of this author that the reader will gain a more informed and relevant understanding of the manner through which education, at least in its formal context, conserve both positive and negative aspects of socialization and the degree and extent to which individuals come to represent a singularity and their approach. Finally, whereas it is true that these three distinct examples that will be discussed are contingent upon personal experience, it is the expectation and belief of this particular analyst that the issues which will be discussed are universal and invariably affect a very large number of individuals throughout society. Firstly, within my own personal experience, the level of similarity and the expectation that all knowledge should be integrated in one particular way as decreased the level of individuality that I have been able to promote my life. For instance, rather than allowing the student to explore and to understand the concepts and practices that the educational system seeks to impart in more of a natural manner, rote memorization and the necessity to understand a given topic in a particular way took away from the individuality that I might otherwise exhibit. Whereas there is most certainly a level of benefit from presenting children with a particular topic and a singular manner, the overall level of independent thinking that such an approach engenders necessarily robs the student, myself included, of a degree of experiential learning. However, one particular aspect of my own educational experience that actually contributed to the development of personality and independence was with regards to the level and degree to which my own life experience, personality, and views

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Investment ratios of McBride plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Investment ratios of McBride plc - Essay Example According to David (2005), financial statements provide the potential users with a narrow insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a business. This is because what is reported does not give an in-depth depiction of performance of an entity. Such full view of a business is important as it would ultimately influence users’ decisions on whether to continue their association with an entity and in addition, give potential investors adequate information to aid them in decision-making. Thus, the concept of financial analysis The Mcbride Plc had basic normalized earnings per share of 2.9p, 12.3p, 9.2p, and 6.4p for the financial year of 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008. This ratio is very important in comparing the performance of companies, as this cannot be done using the profit they make directly because of differences in the number of outstanding shares and income. A higher Earnings per Share is desirable to investors as it indicates a higher relative income. This company has a EPS that fluctuates from time to time which means that shareholders returns is unstable. Price to earnings ratio (P/E ratio)- David (2003) states that price/earnings ratio is the most commonly used to evaluate investment in an entity. He further points out that historically, the average P/E ratio for the broad market has been around 15, although it can fluctuate significantly depending on economic and market conditions. A stock with a high price/earnings ratio suggests that investors are expecting higher earnings growth in the future compared to the overall market while a stock with a low price/earnings ratio suggests that investors have more modest expectation for its future growth compared to the market as a whole (David, 2003). From the computations of price/earnings ratio for McBride plc in table below, the ratio declined from 10.8 in 2010 to 9.44 in 2011. This decline may not be attractive to prospective growth investors despite

Friday, July 26, 2019

Choose a consumer product or service that is on the market today, but Assignment

Choose a consumer product or service that is on the market today, but is declining in appeal to consumers. This product should b - Assignment Example Another explanation would be that competitors have been offering a slightly different product from the existing one with the same functions and latest features. This paper presents the current position and performance of desktop computers in the market and recommends possible ways to save the products from becoming more obsolete. Furthermore, this paper examines some market issues that greatly affect the desktop PC market. Desktop Computer and its Current Market Desktop personal computers came into existence before the latest computer tablets and netbooks were introduced to the market. Traditional personal computer has central processing units (CPU) unlike the current handy laptops and tablets. Basically, the target markets of desktop computers were businesses like internet cafes, hotels, and families with household internet access. Businesses often get desktop computers for their employees and executives for business related transactions because desktops run faster than laptops. Hou seholds also get at least one desktop computer at home despite the fact that family members may already have laptops and smartphones. According to the 2010 US Census, 63% of households with income of less than $50,000 have personal computers (desktop and/or laptops); 91% of the households having income of $50,000-$99,999; 96% of households with $100,000-$149,999; 97% of the households with income of $150,000 and more own personal computers; and, 68% of the households with income not reported have computers. Having children is also a factor to getting personal computers by households. In the same US Census, 84.1% of the households with children 6-17 years old have PCs; 79.3% of households with children not within the 6-17 range own home computers; and, 70.9% of the households with no children have personal computers. Another important demographic that also affects the decision of getting computers is the educational attainment of the households. The 2010 US Census showed that only 41 .8% of those who did not graduate from high school have home computers; 64.8% owns PCs from households with high school graduates or General Education Attainment (GED); 81.6% of those who have some college or associate degrees; and, 90.9% of the households with bachelor’s degrees and higher have personal computers. Reasons for Declining in Popularity â€Å"The decline of desktop isn’t surprising,† says Arthur (2012). According to Wilcox (2012), US sales of personal computers had reached its lowest peak on the fourth quarter of 2011, which was said to be the worst since 2001. Apple’s iPad tablets have been hurting the PC industry and affecting the current sales (Randewich, 2012). In spite of the weak sales of personal computers, Apple products have continued to flourish. Although the declining sales was partly caused by the floods in Thailand, one cannot deny the fact that consumer behaviors have also changed. Consumers are more concern on buying something that is not bulky or huge and offers multiple applications. Nowadays, most tech savvy individuals prefer to get the latest gadget. They are not anymore into desktop computers since they find it hard to update some windows applications. Smartphones, computer tablets, and netbooks have up to date applications and features. Most students already own smartphones and laptops; there would be no use of getting a desktop computer. Majority of the smartphone and laptop features have grown to be impressive over the years of

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Art - Essay Example He was also heavily influenced by the Post-Impressionists Gauguin and Van Gogh. Picasso was a Spanish artist known as the founder of Cubism. Unlike Matisse, Picasso’s paintings of women are grotesquely distorted. He portrays the woman with darkness and vulgarity. In the early years of the twentieth century, Picasso embarked on a series of paintings using blue palette and melancholy themes. After his Blue Period, came his Rose Period which emphasized a warmer palette and more cheerful themes. Picasso’s works were influenced by Matisse’s works especially with his still life paintings. However, Picasso focused more on form and innovation while Matisse focused more on color and was less abstract. Picasso uses form with symmetry at different angels, geometrics and inspiration from household tools. On the other hand, Matisse always preferred bright colors even in his landscapes. His colors changes from light to dark but its mixtures make it even more creative. Matisse does not have much attention to detail but he adheres to reality unlike Picasso who would usually distort the images of his subjects. The art works of both artists were influenced by each other, more so when they developed a friendly rivalry. One of the more famous works of Picasso is the â€Å"Les Demoiselles d’Avignon† which is an example of his neo-cubism, modernism, and impressionism. This painting shows women who are immensely distorted. Geometric shapes are used instead of curves to portray the bodies of the women. The painting uses dark colors such as brown, black and blue which makes the theme gloomy. Matisse’s â€Å"Joy of Life† on the other hand depicts women more naturally by showing the right curves and proportions. The mood of Matisse’s painting is livelier because of the colors that he used specifically, red, green and yellow. Although both paintings show a group of women, one can clearly see the difference in how they are portrayed b y both artists. Matisse’s â€Å"Joy of Life†, 1905-1906 vs. Picasso’s â€Å"Les Demoiselles d’Avignon†, 1907 Picasso’s â€Å"Vase, bowl & lemon†, 1907 vs. Matisse’s â€Å"Blue Pot and Lemon† , 1897 The paintings above are examples of still life paintings of Picasso and Matisse. Unlike other Matisse’s paintings, the colors are quite dull. In contrast, Picasso’s emphasizes the shapes of the objects by using black outlines on the figures. His colors are darker as compared to those of Matisse’s. In Matisse’s painting, the objects seem to blend with its background because of its complimentary colors while in Picasso’s painting, the dark blue and gray background shows a sharp contrast between the colors of the lemon and the vase. Picasso’s â€Å"Acrobat† 1930 vs. Matisse’s â€Å"Acrobats† 1952 The above paintings of both Picasso and Matisse show clearly how they in fluenced each other. The paintings show the different interpretations of the two artists on one subject. Again, we can see Matisse’s love for colors by painting the human body blue in a beige background. On the other hand, Picasso simply used black and white. The two paintings though, both show a distortion of the human body. Works Cited Carver, Reg. Matisse or Picasso. 11 February 2011. Web. 3 May 2011. Edward and Betty Marcus Foundation. Matisse & Picasso. 2001. Web. 3 May 2011

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language Literature review

Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language - Literature review Example Meanwhile, learning happens as a process rather than an event. This means that for the acquisition of second language to take place, there are series of things that a person should do, as learning a second language will not happen overnight. Mayer (2003) used the cognitive theory to explain the processes that take place in the course of second language acquisition. It was noted that the more interaction a person has with the language being learnt, the better the chances of acquiring it more easily and quickly. Meanwhile, the interactions that a person has with language often differ in potency and impact. For example using the multimedia principle, Mayer (2003, p. 33) explained that ‘the human information processing system contains an auditory/verbal channel and a visual/pictorial channel’. By implication, a person gets an easier grip of a particular language being learnt if provisions are made for all of auditory, verbal, visual and pictorial channels. However, using multimedia such as audio and video easily provides all these channels at a go (Neal, 2006). Based on this, when designing a website for acquisition of English as a second language, it will be beneficial to include audio and video files that wil l provide multimedia learning platforms, rather than use only written and verbal means of acquisition. Neal, L. (2006). Predictions for 2006 — E-learning experts map the road ahead. Elearn Magazine [online]. Available at [accessed 13 February

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Health Care for All Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Health Care for All Americans - Essay Example With this respect, this paper will critically expound on the basic reasons as to why health care should be to all Americans. Across America, there are many people from one side struggling to make both ends meet and on the other coping with a broken health care system. In addition, there are those who live completely without health care, others are striving to pay the hiking costs of Medicare, and more of them are joining the ranks of those uninsured. Agreeably, this is a shocking and terrible situation for super power like America! This growing health care crisis is not just a problem that should worry only the affected, but also places an endangering burden to the rest of the Americans as well. Furthermore, due to economic issues, small businesses are finding it difficult to insure their employees due to competitive and skyrocketing cost of insurance premiums. Most worrisome, much of the funds spend on health care services disappears through inefficiency and massive waste. Even Unit ed States tops the globe in health care expenditures (Collins 15). The administrative costs swallow 1 dollar out of every 4 dollars set aside for health care needs. That is not all, medical errors result to loss of lives of 100,000 Americans every year. With that follows a $100 billion dollar loss via drug prescription errors alone. Causes of Health Care Disparities in America Factors leading to health care disparities in the US vary and at the same time interrelate. Different groups have different underlying rates of illness due to environmental factors, generic predisposition, or lifestyle choices. They express different types of care-seeking behavior due to cultural beliefs, trust in the health care providers, and linguistic barriers (Herbage and Devanport 8). The ability of an individual to pay as well as his location and management of health care services influences all these factors. Race and ethnicity are significant factors determining whether an individual stands to receive care, whether an individual receives quality care, and assesses health care outcomes. Even after adjusting insurance income and status, racial and ethnic minorities tend to have limited access to heath care and receive lower quality of health care compared to non-minorities. Not surprisingly, the Americans’ top two concerns of healthcare are its increased costs and lack of access. Cognitively, today the cost of health care insurance is high and increasingly unaffordable even to working families. Documented evidence reveals that 6.2 percent of all US bankruptcies in 2007 related to medical expenses (Halvorson 7-8). People with medical insurance covers filed 78 percent of these bankruptcies whereas low-income uninsured majorities filled 38.3 percent of the same bankruptcies. In 2008, uninsured Americans were 46.3, a report released by the US Census Bureau. This figure represents 16.2 percent of the US economy, depicts that health care is the largest industry in the US, and emp loys more than 14 million people. Additionally, this impeding problem stretch to show that racial and ethnic disparities in health care persists even when comparing groups of similar socioeconomic status (Barr 87). For example, the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

CIS 206 U1 Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CIS 206 U1 Discussion - Essay Example Ubuntu is a fork of Debian, that is on of the oldest Linux distributions available and is sponsored by Canonical. The features to look at in comparing the Linux distribution are stability, performance, software availability and installation, user interface and update support and release schedule. Fedora and Ubuntu are both stronger than Arch Linux. Ubuntu users have reported more application crashes that Fedora users. The reason behind this is the high number of third party applications in Ubuntu. Therefore, Fedora is more stable than Ubuntu and Arch Linux. Fedora, Ubuntu and Arch Linux are very fast Linux distributions. Fedora has a high I/O performance than Ubuntu but on the other hand Ubuntu starts up quickly. From some test by fedora 20 outperforms Ubuntu 13.10 when working with large number of files as in a business setting. Fedora scored 279.22 files/second as compared to 184.10/second files in Ubuntu. Performance in graphical applications was almost similar in Fedora and Ubuntu of around 31.4 frames/second. Therefore, fedora outscores Ubuntu in performance. Hardware support in Linux is still a bigger problem than other commercial distributions like Windows and OS X. In Linux, Ubuntu has a better hardware compatibility than both arch and fedora, and different drivers will quickly work in it. Ubuntu outperforms both fedora and arch in software availability. Ubuntu has a lot of developers working on their applications, and it also supports personal package archives. Fedora has a large library of applications but not as extensive as Ubuntu. Fedora uses a package manager called yum and rpm; Ubuntu uses apt-get and Deb while Arch Linux uses a package manager called Pacman. Arch Linux outperforms both Fedora and Ubuntu in building customized multimedia production workstation. Arch also has a user repository hundreds of user supported packages. All the distributions have constant updates and full

Monday, July 22, 2019

Stirling sports Essay Example for Free

Stirling sports Essay Stirling Sports opened their first Store on Dominion Road in Auckland in 1964. The first Stirling Sports franchises were awarded in 1983 after Stirling Sports had invested almost 20 years in developing the best sports retail stores in New Zealand. Stirling Sports Dunedin’s mission statements asserts, ‘The Dunedin community speaks positively about their Stirling Sport experience’. Their logo is ‘We love our sport’, an apt summary of the passion held by management and staff for their products, service and the specialist knowledge they provide. Stirling Sports is the one of the New Zealand leading retailers of sporting goods. Stirling Sports has a huge range of sports clothing and mens and womens shoes, supporter gear and more. In 2004, Russell and Sue became aware of an opportunity to purchase the Stirling Sports Dunedin area franchise and made the decision to buy within a week. Since they originated from the Otago region, this was an opportunity ‘to come home’. After some negotiation they successfully acquired the franchise and began to determine how best to manage the two operations. After some deliberation, the  decision was made that Sue would move to Dunedin and manage that store, while Russell continued to manage the Kapiti store. Russell and Sue decided to buy the franchise with the existing staff at the Dunedin store. The store had to become profitable, so changes needed to be made. However, the change in structure and process did not suit everyone and staff left. Previously, the store had been managed from Auckland, so some having the manager on-site was very different from the previous management style. Stirling Sports adopts marketing strategies based on the seasonal nature of  various sports, student population migration during semester and holiday periods, public holidays and festive seasons Christmas is one of the biggest financial periods with equipment, clothing and shoes being in demand for Christmas gifts. In-store specials, glossy flyers, and newspaper and radio advertising are all useful means of marketing their products to all of their customer segments. The March/April period is the second-largest cash-flow period with the beginning of winter sports, such as rugby, soccer, netball, volleyball and basketball, traditionally boosting sales. September/October is also a peak period, with the focus particularly on fitness and getting ‘back into shape’ after the ravages of winter lifestyle choices. Sports such as cricket, tennis and softball also begin which may require the purchase of new equipment, uniforms and speciality footwear. Many sports are now played all year round, which is beneficial in maintaining an acceptable level of monthly sales in addition to seasonal cash-flow peaks. RETRIEVED FROM HTTP://STIRLINGSPORTS. CO. NZ Rebel Sport is a well known brand name throughout New Zealand and Australia.Until 2006, Rebel had no big-box sports competitor, prompting the use of the well-known slogan No ones got more sports gear. However, Lane Walker Rudkin, owners of sports franchise Stirling Sports, have announced plans to launch several large format stores across the country, beginning with a store in Christchurch, which opened in mid-2006. This followed the collapse of a deal between Briscoe Group and LWR a year earlier, which would have seen Briscoe buyout the Stirling franchise. Since Stirlings big box launch, Rebel has dropped their original slogan, which has been replaced with Lets Play, backed by a new marketing campaign which targets a wider audience from the traditional club-orientated team sport audience. The company is also continuing their aggressive expansion programme, launching several smaller-format stores such as Napier and Taupo to allow branches to reach further into provincial areas. Briscoe Group. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 15, 2014 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Briscoe_Group The latest retail customer satisfaction report for New Zealand from research organisation Roy Morgan Research reveals that Rebel Sport has emerged as the sports store with the highest percentage of satisfied customers. Rebel came in at at 82. 0 percent for the 12 months to December 2009 (up 4. 4 percent points from the 12 months to December ‘08). Stirling Sports was third with 77. 5 percent (down 2. 9 percent from the same period). â€Å"The category as a whole has performed below the average for all non-food stores. It seems all sports stores need to close the gap in improving their levels of satisfaction. † Sports Link. Sporting Goods Outdoor Retailing. (May 17, 2010). Retrieved from http://www. mysportslink. net/rebel-sport-leads-the-way-cms-837.

The Risks Of Employing Ex Convicts General Studies Essay

The Risks Of Employing Ex Convicts General Studies Essay 1. Background and Rational for choice of 1st area. Risk of companies employing ex-convicts through the Yellow Ribbon Project. ( Ex-convicts are trained in courses such as Nitec certification in electronics, ISC in food preparation, ISC in electrical wiring, and NSRS in cleaning skills. They also gain work experience in Singapore Corporation Of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE) industries (eg. Bakery, laundry services, multimedia etc) to remain relevant in the workforce. This benefits employers as these workers are pre-trained and able to start work immediately. It is important to promote the employment of disabled as Singapore has a small population, hence need to maximize human resource. Also, companies need to address prevailing skills shortages and problems in filling job vacancies in tight labour markets. Besides this, due to the fact that Singapore is dependent on foreign workers, ex-convicts can be employed instead, with a lower pay, to reduce their cost of production. Need for ex-convicts to be included in society and for them to be able to sustain themselves without living off others. Thus they will no longer be a burden to society, including companies. Internet sources Ruth and Bryan to find information that explains: (i) risk taken (ii) Its necessity Others Rayna and YiKai to gather statistics/evidence/ survey results to: (i) Provide evidence to show why risk is worth taking (ii) Substantiate the reasons for importance to take risk 2. Details of what happened or was done Companies interested in employing ex-convicts register an account to access the Singapore Corporation Rehabilitative Enterprises online job portal. Companies then employ ex-convicts, giving priority to those who participated in rehabilitative and aftercare programmes, provided by the Yellow Ribbon Project. Last year, a record 2,459 companies pledged to give former convicts a second chance up 13 per cent from the 2,118 registered with the Score in 2009. E.g. Logwin Air + Ocean Singapore pte ltd (Straits Times 14/2/11) Logwin Air + Ocean Singapore, an international logistics company, has hired 3 ex-convicts since 2008. Among these is Mr Abdul Rahim Daud, who was jailed for vehicle theft in 2009. He currently works as an assistant for the company, ensuring that the company does not accidentally export more goods than necessary, saving it money. His boss, managing director Jimmy Ler, says that he is an efficient worker and he is good at what he does. (+)Employed ex-convicts were already trained, so no need to allocate resources to training, save time and money. (+)They work hard as they know the 2nd chance is precious (-)Employees need to go for follow-up sessions with the Singapore After-Care Association (SACA) and Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association (SANA), takes up time. (-)Some employees may revert to old ways, threat to company (-)May tarnish companys reputation as public do not accept criminals, generally. Printed/ internet sources Rayna and Yikai to refer to website and others for employment of ex-convicts programmes. Resource Persons Ruth and Bryan to seek expert opinion about employment of ex-convicts programme. . Printed/ internet sources Rayna refers to Yellow Ribbon website on write-up of collaborations Rayna to write Bryan to vet for spelling grammer and to format document Ruth to vet that substantiation is adequate and start writing Biblio YiKai to vet for logic gaps q Group has shown that 1st area is interesting and has significant lessons to learn from. q Group has shown that an appropriate amount (not too much, not too little) of background information to 1st area is given. 3. Lessons learnt 1. The number of employers willing to hire ex-convict has jumped by nearly a third. 2. Important role families play in the rehabilitation of former prisoners. The Family Resource Centres set up in prisons are where counsellors run workshops in family, parenting and marriage for prisoners to prepare them for life outside jail. Helps them patch things up with family and reconnect with society without being a burden because they are able to support and sustain themselves with a job. 3. Rehabilitative and aftercare programmes and skills training helps to ensure that the ex-convicts will be able to help the company increase productivity and not make losses. Printed Internet sources Ruth and YiKai to find information on: (i) effect of hiring ex-convicts on society (ii) ways government and public can help Others Rayna and Bryan to gather statistics/evidence/ survey results to: (i) provide evidence to show positive welfare effect (ii) substantiate the reasons for employing ex-convicts who participated in the rehabilitative and aftercare programmes. q Specific impacts/approaches have been clearly identified. q Appropriate and relevant lessons learnt have been drawn out from each impact/approaches. 4. Background and rational for choice of 2nd area. Successful social entrepreneur wants to contribute and return back to the society. They lead other companies to employ disabled to build an inclusive society. Joan Bowen is conferred the Notable New Employer Award. The cafe and culinary centre was started in August 2009 to teach essential life-long skills to mildly intellectually handicapped young adults. The cafe operates as a social enterprise with the ultimate aim of equipping youths with special needs with a range of culinary skills so that they are able to make their mark as individuals and contribute as active members of society, says Jeanne Seah-Khong, managing director of Joan Bowen. Joan Bowen, founded by Ms Seah and her husband Khong Yoon Kay, both 55, currently has 13 PWDs on its payroll. They work as cooks, dishwashers and service attendants. To enable the PWDs to learn better, Joan Bowen provides tools like visual aids to help them overcome their handicaps in reading. Work in the cafe is structured for PWDs to work smoot hly. Through systematic training, the PWDs became so proficient in operating the point-of-sale machines, coffee machines and credit-card terminals that they were even able to tell when the machines were due for servicing, Ms Seah adds. Other employers employ disabled because of the following reasons: At the counter in the Toa Payoh KFC restaurant, a crew member taps on his I am deaf badge and, without fuss, takes your order with a big smile. This shows that hiring people with disabilities have benefits as it is believed that many have to work very hard to be accepted into the workforce and will, therefore, be less likely to leave and hence, are motivated and determined to meet employment challenges. Lights, monitors and visual cues in the kitchen alert the hearing-impaired staff when food is ready to serve. A shift manager is on duty he cant hear you either. This shows that companies will benefit as many people with disabilities are accustomed to finding alternative ways of doing things. This innovative thinking can carry over into the workplace. Thus, the cost of hiring disabled workers is not much higher than that of ordinary workers. Despite its handicap, the Toa Payoh outlet has been operating since 2003. Its success has spawned two other deaf-operated KFC branches, in Fuchun Community Centre and Jurong West Community Centre. Apart from the 300 deaf crew on its payroll, KFC also opens its doors to people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as well as the intellectually, physically and visually handicapped. Their ages range from 16 to 56. Some have been with KFC for as long as 19 years. Thus, ensures that human power shortage can be avoided as many people with disabilities tend to remain with the same employer for many years. KFC has not gone unnoticed as a PWD-friendly boss. It was appointed Ambassador for the Deaf in 2004 and awarded the Presidents Social Service Award in 2006. Thus, hiring disabled do not result in a decrease in business for companies but instead increase their business. KFC did not experience a decrease in the number of consumers. This shows that hiring disabled will not affect the business of the companies as customers will often be attracted to or remain loyal with a company that they feel is being inclusive. Statistics show that people with disabilities use less sick leave than non-disabled employees. (Journal of occupational Accidents-1984). Thus, hiring disabled has benefits as they are more productive While the 50 PWDs Hans employs are small in number compared with those on KFCs payroll, they make up almost 10 per cent of its staff. The PWDs are treated as part of Hans big family. We address the PWDs as colleagues and dont see them as a burden, says Hans deputy general manager Gan Yee Chin. Five others also got a special mention for particular exemplary qualities in hiring PWDs Joan Bowen, Eureka Call Centre Systems, Pizza Hut Singapore, Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre and Fong Shen Mould and Precision Engineering. As a whole, hiring disabled has more advantages than disadvantages as employers have found that most have not only met but exceeded exceptions- In fact, They have gone on to become very productive and loyal Employees. Need to employ disabled people 1. Diversity in the workplace employing disabled people helps the the team to be more diverse, which in turn ups the level of creativity and innovation. Furthermore, they will be drawing from a wider talent pool and there are disabled people who have skills, knowledge and expertise to contribute to the company/society. Louis Harry Survey showed that 88% of people working with a disabled colleague say that this experience is enriching, likely to modify their opinion of disabled people and to give a new sense of value to their job (60%). 2. Tight labour market limited human resources, companies have to make full use of expertise available, and employing disabled people helps them to boost manpower. Louis Harry Survey showed that 80% of people employing or working with disabled workers think that they are as productive as any other employee. 3. Contribute back to society employing disabled people will enable them to earn a steady income to support themselves or their families, also helping to boost their confidence when interacting with other able-bodied individuals. Moreover, the company will earn the respect and admiration of others because of their humanity, they are willing to employ disabled people and are not focused solely on making money. Louis Harry Survey showed that 75% of people working with a disabled colleague think that the recruitment of disabled workers in their firm gives a positive image and influences them favourably in the perception of their employer. Internet sources Rayna and Bryan to design survey for companies, which employed disabled, to gather statistics. Ruth and YiKai to interview KFC for statistics. q Group has shown that 2nd area is interesting and has significant impact. q Group has shown that an appropriate amount (not too much, not too little) of background information to 2nd area is given. 5. Strategies that can be developed from lessons learnt in (3) to apply to 2nd area. Â · Strategy 1: ESPERANZA(Hope) Features of the website: The organizer is the Asian Womens Welfare Association. The main objective of setting up the ESPERAZA is to provide a convenient platform for job matching. The website will be managed by AWWA, which the bridge between companies and disabled. AWWA assist disabled in going onto the website to look for more job opportunities, especially, people who are blind. The website is specially formatted to make it easier for the disabled (cannot sit or look at the computer screen for too long) as the job are categorized according to type of disabilities (e.g. deaf) and industries (e.g. handicraft). To ensure that companies can save money on providing skills training and disabled job opportunities to disabled according to their last talents/experiences and skills learnt previously in AWWA. Disabled visit website, know about different job opportunities and decides on interested and relevant job. AWWA alert disabled that once clicked on `confirm button, disabled will be an official employee of compan y, cannot black out, otherwise they will have a black record and remain unemployed for lifetime. Solution to reduce risk: One of the main reasons why companies hesitate hiring the disabled is cause they are unsure whether the disabled are able to fully commit themselves to the jobs. This includes resigning after a short term and so on. With the features like ‘confirm button, disabled people will take their job interviews into careful consideration. This is turn reduces the risk that the companies face when hiring the disabled. Ways to encourage companies to participate in the job search portal: Send volunteers to companies who are able to hire the disabled to conduct talks. With the talks, companies would be encouraged and ensured that the disabled are not inferior as compared to normal people in terms of efficiency and attitude wise. Lessons learnt from other job search portals Yellow ribbon project: account registration An account is needed for both the employee and the employer. This would prevent anyone from playing prank on such websites, causing inconvenience. Thus, the website would prove to be more efficient and the parties would not have to be afraid of being involved in scam cases. Australian job search portal: Most of the time, it is the employer who comes up with the requirements and the employee who have to search. With the uploading of resumes onto the website, employees are also able to have a chance of getting a job even when they are not using a computer as employers would be able to read the resumes online and decide whether they want to hire the disabled people or not. Thus, the application of allowing the disabled people to upload their resumes online would allow a higher efficiency as it would not only be a one sided issue where only the disabled people are searching for a job but also companies to search for workers. Â · Strategy 2: Rainbow Ribbon Project The Rainbow Ribbon Project is initiated to convince employers that employing disabled has more benefits than disadvantages and also as a supporting role to ensure that companies faces minimum problems with the employment of disabled. The objectives of the Rainbow Ribbon Project can be summarized in R2P: 1. Realizing potential of disabled people to ensure that employers will be able to fill up skills gaps in companies. 2. Reducing prejudice of society towards disabled to ensure that the number of consumers of companies employing disabled will not decrease and that companies will not make any losses. 3. Provide trust of employers in disabled employees to ensure that companies will make sure that their disabled employees can compete and flourish on equal terms in the workplace, maximising the use of human resource and minimising losses for the companies itself. Actions to take: To support the companies, an organization can be set-up. To minimize the extra cost needed to be paid by the companies to employ disabled, the organization will provide assistance to the disabled. Disabled will be attached to a volunteer mentor to offer guidance through taken through the entire project, which starts from helping disabled in getting a suitable job to adapting and settling down in a comfortable job. Disabled will be taken through the process of examining what they have to offer an employer and exploring careers, offered tips on finding a job, getting hired, and making that job work for them, They will be assisted to build their own resume online in RainbowCareerConnect and also link to resources for employment listings. With all these in place, companies do not have to worry and pay extra attention to the disabled employees as their welfare is taken care of, by the organization. 1. Rainbow Day The project reduces the risk of companies employing disabled as it increases the confidence of companies towards disabled. Prior to this day, companies will partner with groups of polytechnic students (School of Design and technology) and share with students areas in companies where disabled can help. After that, Students will design disabled-friendly aids base on needs of companies (e.g. light bulbs used in kitchen as indicators instead of using buzzers, very illustrative menu cards, and simple sign language posters). The Rainbow Day is for companies to witness potential of disabled through try-out of machines. On the actual day, The Coffee Bean shares success in employing disabled to manufacture BURLAP bags to convince companies the abilities of disabled. Disabled people will then visit the booths, where the Polytechnic student showcases aids designed at different booths, to gain hands-on experience. Companies witness what disabled can do when disabled try-out the aids and discover disabled suitable for employment before giving job application forms. Companies provide choice of short-term (e.g. manufacture period) and long-term employment, according to what disabled can do. With this special day in place, companies will not have to provide extra training for the disabled, helping them save cost and after employing them as they employ only disabled with skills they need. Furthermore, this day provides assurance to the companies as they are very sure that the disabled they employ will be of help to the companies, helping it to increase its productivity. 2. Run! for the Rainbow Companies employers will be the participants invited for the competition. Instead of running as a normal people, employers will be running as disabled. Employers will be asked to use or put on special items (e.g. blindfold, wheelchair) as disabled (e.g. blind, deaf, wheelchair-bound), putting themselves in the shoes of disabled people and gain a deeper understanding of the difficulties faced by them. To win the competition, the employers will push themselves hard and put in their best effort to win the competition. Hence, through this competition, companies will be assured of the commitment that disabled employees will put in as they understand how much effort the disabled will put in to ensure that he or she will not be sacked. Thus, companies will benefit as its productivity increases. 3. Rainbow award To recognize values and talents disabled bring to work place. Other than just receiving an award title, disabled will be given a chance to bring in friends, who are also limited by disabilities and are unable to get a job. This will help to increase the overall employment of disabled in the society. To ensure the companies will benefit, the awardees will be the job trainers for the new employees they recommended and must ensure that the new employees are of help to the companies. Thus, with this award, the productivity of the companies will only continue to increase as its manpower will definitely increase but not decrease. Resource Persons Ruth and YiKai to request an interview with AWWA in-charge. Printed/internet sources Bryan refer to AWWA website on how organization works. Rayna find out the different types of jobs suitable. Rayna, YiKai conduct survey for companies interested: -To get evidence that companies need to know potential of disabled before taking the risk to employ Printed/internet Resource YiKai and Ruth research on manufacturers Resource Persons Rayna and Bryan to request collaboration between DPA and polytechnics Resource person Ruth and Bryan contact person-in-charge of The BURLAP bag to gather evidence of its success q The suggested strategy is creative. q The suggested management strategy is appropriate and effective for the target audience. q The suggested management strategy is feasible and manageable. q There is a clear link between the lessons learnt from 1st area and the suggested proposal q Details of the strategy are clearly presented. q There is clear and honest evaluation of the strategy. Any other comments / considerations? There may be a lack of statistics and evidence from the website and hence we need to carry out surveys. We might not be able to get the interviews done in which case we might have to look at another location or organization that is willing to communicate with us. Economically minded organizations may not be willing to work with us as little direct benefits, then need to request help from other non-profit organizations q The group is aware of the potential difficulties they may encounter. q The project is manageable.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Corporate Entrepreneurship

The Corporate Entrepreneurship In todays rapidly changing and hyper competitive business environment where opportunities and threats are present, innovation and continued growth remains as a main concern for companies. Scholars have voiced importance of corporate entrepreneurship behavior to cope with the environmental challenges and managing innovation and sustainable growth. Corporate entrepreneurship is an interesting arena among scholars and no universal definition has been agreed. Corporate entrepreneurship is generally defined as the process by which teams within an established company conceive, foster launch and manage new businesses that is distinct from the parent company but make use of parent companys resources, market position, capabilities and other resources (Ferreira, 2002). Implementation of corporate entrepreneur behavior within firm is a challenging process, which involves individuals roles and most importantly firm level antecedents that promotes corporate entrepreneurial activities (Marina G. B iniari, 2010). This paper explains factors (individual characteristics and firm level antecedents) affecting corporate entrepreneurship and how beneficial this strategy is to firms. Individual Characteristics and Corporate Entrepreneurship To cultivate and build successful corporate entrepreneurship in organizations, individuals working at the organization should inherit or possess certain characteristics and traits. These skills and competencies enable them to achieve the outcomes of a successful entrepreneurship and to involve effectively in corporate entrepreneurship activities (Christensen, 2004). As similar to definition of corporate entrepreneurship, researchers have explained various characteristics of individuals in different occasions and no agreement have been reached over key characteristics. Various researches have been conducted on this area analysis of such studies are explained here. Findings of a study done by Lumpkin and Des in Dess in 1996 explained corporate entrepreneurship in terms of entrepreneurial orientation and they determined main characteristics as innovativeness, proactiveness, risk taking, autonomy and competitive aggressiveness (J.P.J de Jong, 2001). In contrast to this study Zahra (1993, 1995) suggested three main characteristics, which are venturing, innovation and self-renewal (Scheepers, 2008). Brockhaus and Horwitz (1982) also suggested some other set of characteristics supporting corporate entrepreneurship, which are locus of control, risk taking propensity, and achievement motivation (Burgers, 2011). In addition to these characteristics, other important characteristics determined by other researchers include; energy level, conformity, need for autonomy, dominance, personal control and desire to build something of ones own (Sanchez, 2011). Since there is no universal set of characteristics, certain set of characteristics are explained in det ail in this section and these characteristics are found as common characteristics highlighted by most of the researchers. Innovativeness Arguably innovation is the most crucial element of the corporate entrepreneurship and all most all researchers have talked about the importance of innovation towards corporate entrepreneurship. Researchers have stressed on importance innovativeness characteristic of individuals in product and service innovation within organizations and Antoncid and Hisrich (2001) suggested that if employees of firma are innovative, it would drive firm towards corporate entrepreneurship. According to James C. Hayton (2006), innovativeness in corporate entrepreneurship is defined as a predisposition to engage in creativity and experimentation through the introduction of new products. Pinchot (1985) suggested that, at that time the important factor missing in corporate innovation was intrapreneurs or corporate entrepreneurs. He defined intrapreneurs as those who take hands-on responsibility for creating innovation of any kind within an organization; they may be the creator or inventors but are always the dreamers who figure out how to turn an idea into a profitable reality (Zhang, 2010). One of the key roles of intrapreneurs is to finding creative methods or ways to improve the speed and cost-effectiveness of technology transfer from internal RD to the marketplace. To achieve this they are need to be innovative to come up with new ideas on how to sustain competitive advantage in a highly dynamic business environment. This may include individuals ability to deliver creative ideas about new product/service development and also process related innovations to improve companys efficiency and enhance productivity (Antoncic, 2009). Proactiveness According to Bateman and Crant (1993), proactive personality trait refers to individuals capability to influence ones environmental and bring about change. Moreover proactiveness of an individual would make him strong to face challenges and motivates plays a vital role in implementing effective environmental changes (Devarajan, 2005). Furthermore Bateman and Jauhari (2008) stated that people are not always passive recipients of environmental constraints on their behavior; rather, they can intentionally and directly change their current circumstances. Researchers have positively related proactive personality with individual innovation, taking charge, problem prevention, voice and issue selling credibility. Since these are crucial elements of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, it is clearly evident that there is a positive relationship between proactiveness of individuals and corporate entrepreneurial behavior. Need for achievement and internal locus of control The need for achievement is one of the important characteristics of a corporate entrepreneur which makes him distinguished from other non corporate entrepreneurs. Individuals hunger to achieve high goals and hard working in achieving firms mission effectively develops the firms ability to develop wealth creation and finally it encourages creating new businesses and ventures within existing organizations (Ferreira, 2002). In addition to need for achievement, internal locus of control is another important characteristic of corporate entrepreneurs. Individuals who have strong belief on that they have the control on over their destiny, vitally affects their performance positively. Such confidence self motivates individuals to take beneficial decisions that would achieve goals of corporate entrepreneurship and this belief motivates them to tackle any hurdles they may face in the process of corporate entrepreneurship (Lassen, 2007). Risk taking Individuals willingness to take risks and ability tolerate in the times of failure is considered as one of the fundamental characteristics to be a corporate entrepreneur. Individuals who bear the risk of profit or loss are ready to take brave actions by venturing into new businesses and investing significantly heavy resources in unknown environments (A. Zahra, 2000). All entrepreneurial activities such as venturing, innovation and strategic renewal involves certain degree of risk as any of such activity would require effort, time and most importantly financial investments. According to Lin and Colleagues (2008), risk taking style managers enriches the corporate entrepreneurship behavior within firms. Furthermore, in a corporate entrepreneurial environment, individuals work on converting intelligent ideas to innovative products even without permission or approval from top management. Other individual characteristics In addition to above discussed individual characteristics, scholars have also stressed on some other fundamental individual characteristics that qualifies them to engage with corporate entrepreneurial activities. Self renewal is one of the important characteristic, which refers to individuals interest or ability to renew or redefine the usual methods of business process and transforming to more innovative methods that enhances ability to gain competitive advantage (Rutherford, 2007). Other important characteristics include feedback seeking and effective communication skills, which are highly useful when it comes to work as groups and interact with each other (Srivastava, 2010). Such personal traits would help to convince team and top management about the individuals innovative ideas and to attain support at organizational level. Furthermore, knowledge, experience and flexibility to adjust changes in environment and managerial structure are also considered as crucial individual charac teristics. Firm-Level Antecedents and Corporate Entrepreneurship According to findings of various researches done on corporate entrepreneurship, it indicates the existence and importance of firm level antecedents that impact on corporate entrepreneurship. Exploratory study done by Kuratko (1990) suggested five distinct internal factors that support corporate entrepreneurship, which are reward and resource availability, organizational structure and boundaries, risk taking and time availability (Burgers, 2011). In addition to Kuratkos findings, study conducted by Fortune 500 CEOs observed tangible and intangible factors within organization that foster corporate entrepreneurship. Their study found that factors such as communication, scanning, integration, and differentiation and control influences firms ability to foster corporate entrepreneurship (Scheepers, 2008). Rewarding System Usage of appropriate rewards within firms is highly acknowledged by several researchers such as Scanlan (1981), Souder (1981), Kanter (1985), Sathe (1985), Fry (1987), Block and Ornati (1987), Sykes (1992), Barringer and Milkvoich (1998). They suggested that when implementing an effective reward system, organization should consider certain factors, which includes; consider goals, feedback from employees, stress individual responsibility and result based incentives (Monsen, 2007). To support the idea suggested by the above researchers, Fry (1993) stated even though monetary rewards may not be especially important to entrepreneurial individual, some mechanism of rewarding innovation must be evident if innovation is to continue. By implementing an effective reward system that value achievements of employees would promote motivation among employees to take risks associated with activities of corporate entrepreneurship. According to expectancy theory individuals maximum effort requires that the individual should believe that by accomplishing goals it would lead to a reward (Devarajan, 2005). Therefore organizations should provide rewards in an appropriate way to show employees that creative works and high level performances are recognized and appreciated by management. Rewards could be presented as options from where deserving employees could choose desired rewards. Management Support Management support means the willingness of top management to facilitate required resources and support to promote corporate entrepreneurial activities within organization. Many researchers have stressed on the importance of management support and they have suggested that management involvement, commitment, championing innovative ideas, providing necessary resources, rewarding venture activities and institutionalizing entrepreneurial activities within firm are important for corporate entrepreneurship (Christensen, 2004). Furthermore Steven Jarillo (1990) stated that by providing necessary training to individuals and trusting those within the firm in detecting opportunities would have a positive impact on firms corporate entrepreneurial behaviour. According to Guth Ginsberg (1990), organizational values are also important in promoting corporate entrepreneurship within firms. They suggested that the corporate entrepreneurial behaviour within a firm critically depends on the values/beliefs and organizational vision (Kollman, 2008). Leadership of the firm should support innovative behaviour of individuals when they propose promising innovative ideas that could venture new business opportunities within the existing organization. This idea was supported by findings of study done by Pearce et al (1997) and they found that leaders who act entrepreneurially had a positive influence on their subordinates and such leaders encourage corporate entrepreneurship behavior within the firm. Resources Resources of the organization and their availability when required play a vital role in promoting corporate entrepreneurial behaviour within organization. According to Pinchot (1985), in order to behave corporate entrepreneurial ways, individuals should be allowed access companys resources to be utilized in various corporate entrepreneurial activities. Furthermore he stated that individuals should have enough time to work on innovative ideas to make them reality and employees should be assigned with reasonable workload so that they could work on other activities to solve important problems (A. Zahra, 2000). Moreover, employees should be provided with necessary resources to conduct experiments on new findings and this includes any required equipments/devices and satisfactory environmental settings. The resource-based view (RBV) suggests that availability of resources in a company is a crucial factor in determining competitive advantage (Kuratko, 2007). Companies should manage their re sources to build unique capabilities to be exceeding competitors capability to provide better solutions to customers. Supportive organizational structure Supportive organizational structure is an important antecedent highlighted by many authors (Souder, 1981; Sathe, 1985; Hisrich and Peters, 1986; Sykes, 1986; Sykes and Block, 1989; Burgelman and Sayles, 1986; Schuler, 1986; Bird, 1988; Guth and Ginsberg, 1990; Covin and Slevin,1991; Zahra, 1991, 1993; Brazeal, 1993; Hornsby et al., 1993) in their literatures. Authors have suggested that organizational structure should provide appropriate administrative mechanisms for idea evaluation, choosing, and implementing productive ideas. Moreover they argued that the bureaucratic nature of organizational structure would gradually build boundaries that hinder individuals ability to convert their innovative ideas to innovative products/services (Kenney, 2010). Therefore organizational structure should be implemented in a way that avoids having standard operating procedures for all major job related activities and rigid performance standards should be avoided as much as possible. Other firm level antecedents In addition to above discussed antecedents there are other important antecedents that affect corporate entrepreneurial behavior. One of them is empowered, autonomous employees, which refers to extent to which employees are give power to make decisions on working on their own works in a manner they believe to be most effective (A. Zahra, 2000). Strategic leadership and their support for corporate entrepreneurship also play a vital role in fostering this strategy within firms. This involves managers willingness to facilitate necessary resources to corporate entrepreneurial activities and to encourage subordinates to participate in such activities. Last but not least, risk taking is also considered as a key element. Risk taking involves firms willingness to spend resources in exploiting opportunities and launching projects with uncertain outcomes (Ferreira, 2002). Word Count: 2574 (Excluding References) Contributions of Corporate Entrepreneurship Corporate entrepreneurship plays a vital role in enhancing companys ability to sustain competitive advantage. Zahra Kuratko (1990) stressed on the importance of corporate entrepreneurship by stating that it improves competitive positioning and transform corporations and strengthen their markets by fostering creativeness within firms. A key benefit organizations could gain via corporate entrepreneurship is to drive firm with diverse strategies with unique combinations. And also corporate entrepreneurship could improve the overall performance of the firm, growth and profitability (Fitzsimmons, 2004). Furthermore it increases the companys proactiveness and willingness to take risks by investing on new product development and integrating innovative technologies in various processes of business. A study done by Zahra and Covin in 1995 showed that there is a strong relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and financial performance. Based on the findings of their study they suggeste d that companies should focus on ways to encourage potential individuals who show corporate entrepreneurial qualities (Kollman, 2008). According to general definition of corporate entrepreneurship, it refers to activities that enhance new product and service development and especially development of new business models and business ventures. Companies, who encourage corporate entrepreneurship behaviour within their firms, enjoy improved internal efficiencies, higher employee morale which all leads to improvements in financial performance (Monsen, 2007). In corporate entrepreneurial companies, managers tend to implement new management trends to overtake old methodologies which are found to be boring and frustrating. Such changes in management bring them success and effective changes in structure and systems will show significant results over longer time period. All researches done on the arena of corporate entrepreneurship have suggested that firms should encourage corporate entrepreneurship to attain positive results in a long run. Most of the studies are focused on examining the impact of corporate entrepreneurship on financial performance of the firm and how it motivates individuals to work on sustaining financial improvements. However financial improvements are not only the benefits contributed by corporate entrepreneurship but it involves certain non-financial benefits too. Lumpkin and Dess (2005) argued that in addition to financial performances (market share growth, sales growth, financial profitability etc), outcomes of corporate entrepreneurship also includes valuable non financial benefits that assist firm to sustain financial improvements. According to Lumpkin and Dess (2005), satisfaction and commitment of organizational members in achieving companys vision are crucial non financial benefits to organization from corporate entrepreneurship. Dover (2002) defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or favorable emotional state derived from an evaluation of ones job or job experiences. In contrast to this, affective commitment is defined as degree of employees emotional attachment to his or her organization. Both the job satisfaction and commitment have a positive influence on motivation and leads to greater organizational effectiveness. Most importantly researchers, Hindle and Cutting (2002) have positively related both to corporate entrepreneurship.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Antigone :: Essays Papers

Antigone When reading anything it is usually to the benefit of the reader if the author leaves the ending of the story at the end. So when I started to read Antigone and figured out right away that she would die I wondered what purpose it served to read the rest of the play. Had I not finished the play, however, I would not have ever known how Antigone was to die. Nor would I have know if Ismene would also die or if Polyneices would ever get a proper burial. Needless to say I finished the play. Following the story line I was extremely impressed by what I thought was courage and family loyalty on the part of Antigone to risk death just to bury her deceased brother. I wondered if I, faced with the same situation, would choose the same. I tend to think that I would be more like the timid Ismene who did everything she could think of to dissuade Antigone from what she was destined to do. I can't be sure though because I don't believe in or worship the same gods Antigone did. Continuing on I started to glean more of Creon's personality. I learned that he was not the humble and merciful person I thought he was but rather he was a prideful and maybe even a tyrant king. I say this because why else would you leave someone that has already been defeated and is dead, left unburied and then threaten death to anyone who tries to bury him? To mean this personifies cruelty and yet I can see that maybe he had a hidden agenda in doing this. This act, instead of being used as an unjust punishment, might be seen as a tool of deterrence. I certainly wouldn't want to be killed just to bury someone else. Further on in the play, through Teiresias, I started to realize that Creon's ruling would backfire on him in a most fitting way. I don't wish death on anybody but isn't it justice served that Haemon should die because of Creon's killing Antigone. No one can say that Creon wasn't warned, both by Haemon and Teiresias. However, the deaths didn't stop there because after learning of Haemon's death Eurydice kills herself and so Creon is hurt twice over. After a while all this death gets depressing and I started to wonder if anyone would be left alive by the end of the story.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Zero and Asylum in the Snow by Lawrence Durrell :: Madness Psychology Durrell Essays

Zero and Asylum in the Snow by Lawrence Durrell What is madness? Is madness a brain disorder or a chemical imbalance? On the other hand, is it an expressed behavior that is far different from what society would believe is "normal"? Lawrence Durrell addresses these questions when he explores society's response to madness in his short story pair "Zero and Asylum in the Snow," which resembles the nearly incoherent ramblings of a madman. In these stories, Durrell portrays how sane, or lucid, people cannot grasp and understand the concept of madness. This inability to understand madness leads society to fear behavior that is different from "normal," and subsequently, this fear dictates how they deal with it. These responses include putting a name to what they fear and locking it up in an effort to control it. Underlying all, however, Durrell repeatedly raises the question: who should define what is mad? In line with these questions, Durrell emphasizes that the inability to understand often leads to fear. Moreover, with little or no knowledge of an event or concept, people tend to feel powerless and out of control. Without this necessary understanding, they are unable to have any influence on the situation. One such situation is madness, which is little understood, and the source of madness virtually unknown. People often fear madness, and try to avoid others who seem "weird," different, or exhibit some sign of madness. The people who fear are "poor cattle, they do not understand" ("Zero" 266), and "they will never discover†¦for they have no faith" ("Zero" 264). Durrell encourages them to put away their fears and stop looking for a logical explanation to "madness": "Come. Enter into the creative activity in which you do not need your understandings. Do not mistake truth for the possessive process any longer – ratiocination, knowledge" ("Zero" 252; emphasis added). Durrell believes that not everything needs a "rational" and "logical" explanation. Furthermore, though "madness" cannot be completely explained, it does not need to be feared. The old man in the asylum attempts to understand, "look[ing] profoundly cautious, asking questions, and gathering the answers" ("Zero" 268), and he comes close to understanding the narrator. However, his fear keeps him from grasping the truth: "For the first time there is an understanding in him, but it is hidden in fear" ("Zero" 258). Throughout the two stories, there are many instances where Durrell portrays this fear brought by a lack of understanding.

Holdens Mentality in J.D. Salingers The Catcher In The Rye :: Catcher Rye Essays

Holden's Mentality in J.D. Salinger's The Catcher In The Rye A young man going through puberty, not knowing what he is doing or where he is headed, becoming increasingly insane, in a world in which he feels he doesn't belong in, and around a bunch of "phonies." This would describe the position of Holden Caulfield, the controversial protagonist and main character in The Catcher In The Rye (1951) written by J.D. Salinger. The book, all narrated by Holden in first person, in its very unique and humorous style, is about Holden, and all the troubles he has encountered through school, family, friends, and basically life. Holden has been expelled from a private school in Pennsylvania because of failing four classes, and decides to go to New York for three days before going home to his disappointed parents. At the beginning of the novel, Holden seems to be like any other 16-year-old young man. But the novel progressively displays through various examples of symbolism that Holden has many problems coping with the world around him. These symbols represent Salinger's ideas and concepts. Holden likes to reminisce about his childhood and visiting the Museum of Natural History in Central Park. He loved to visit the museum, for many reasons, and he even said that he got very happy when he thought about the museum. He tells us of the symbolic details in the museum, by saying, "The best thing, though in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Nobody'd move. Nobody'd be different. The only thing that would be different would be you"(121). Holden likes this kind of world, and wishes that he lived in it. He wishes things would stay unchanged and simple. Holden is almost scared by change, and can't handle the conflicts in his life. Another very symbolic example in the book is the title itself. On the first night of his three-night excursion, Holden decides to sneak into his house and visit his sister, Phoebe, who he adores very much. Phoebe asks Holden what he would like to do with his life. Holden ponders the question and tells Phoebe about the poem, "Comin' Through The Rye" by Robert Burns. He tells Phoebe," I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around--nobody big, I mean--except me.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Human Life Cycle

The human life cycle is essential to the world's population. It allows individuals to create families that can change society in multiple ways and all those individuals that has the capacity to change the world has a mother. Every soon to be mother wants an easy pregnancy but most importantly hopes and prays for a healthy baby. Understanding pregnancy is important soley due to the fact its a major factor in the cycle of life. Pregnancy involves growth, development and a new beginning.A women that is becoming pregnant with a child is also known as conceiving, this process carried out by having sexual intercourse with a male. A female ovulate an egg cell, oocytes goes down a uterine tube. During sexual intercourse male sperm moves into the vagina, which is near the female's cervix, this occurs in the reproductive system. The sperm cell swims up the uterus and meets up with the oocyte and the process of fertilization occurs. During sexual intercourse many sperms swim towards the oocyte but only one sperm cell has the ability to fertilize the egg.During beginning fertilization of the egg the cytoplasm triggers lysosomes vesicles that release enzymes that hard the zona pellucida so that it reduces the chance of more than one sperm can penetrates the oocytes. The egg divided then undergoes meiosis ends. The nuclei of the egg and nuclei of the sperm unite the membrane falls apart and the chromosome mingles which complete fertilization. The sperm cell and egg cell each has 23 chromosomes and during fertilization it 46 somatic cell this cell is called a zygote the first cell of the future offspring.The Zygotes undergoes mitosis 30 hours after forming, cells division occurs rapidly. The rapid cell division is called cleavage. During cleavage tiny cells move through the uterine tubes during the time of implantation cells in the interface of the blastocyst. The cell surrounding the embryo is called the placenta this organ attaches to the embryo and uterine wall exchanges o f nutrients ,gasses ,waste between maternal blood and embryo blood. The beginning of the embryonic stage the of the offspring is called an embryo. Embryonic stage ends at eight week of the prenatal development . During this ime the placenta form and major organ develops and the major external body structure appears. The cell in the inner cell mass flatten embryonic disc with two distinct layers the connection stalk attached to the embryonic disc to developed placenta farther . Ectodermic cell gives the nervous system and portions of special sensory organ ,epidermis ,hair, nail, glands of the skin. Mesodermal cell form all type of muscle tissue, bone tissue, bone marrow . blood, blood vessel, lymphatic vessel, connective tissues internal reproductive e organ , kidney and epithelial lining of body cavities.Endodermal cells produced the epithelial lining of the digestive tract ,respiratory tract, urinary bladder and urethra . When the chronrionic villi develops the embryonic blood vess el appears. During the 4th week of development the flat embryonic disc is a cylindrical structure and head and jaws develops the hearts starts to beats and tiny buds which will become upper and lower limbs forms. At 5th to 7 week the head grow rapidly and become more rounded and face begins to develop showing eyes nose mouth and more human like.The upper and lower limbs elongate and figure and toes appears . By the end of the seventh week all the main internal organs are present ,the structure in enlarges and the embryonic become more human like appearance . End of 8 week until birth the offspring s called a fetus. Fetal stage is the end of the eighth week of the development and last until the birthing process during this time the fetus is growing very rapidly the body proportion enlarge at a considerable rate. The beginning of the fetal stage the head is larger than the limbs are short.During the third month the body length accelerates and the head growth slows. During the twelve w eek the external reproductive organ are distinguishable male or female. At the 4th month the body grows 20 cm the skeleton beginnings to ossify. The following month the skeleton muscles contracts and the pregnant woman may fell fetal movement, hair begins to appears on the head . During the 6 month the fetus gains weight and eyebrow and eyelash appear and the blood vessel in the skin give a red appearance in the fetus.During the last trimester the fetal brain cell develops rapidly . At the end of the ninth month 266 day the fetus is full term. The fetus is around 50 center meter and weight around 2. 7kg to 3. 6 kilogram everything is well develop and the fetus head is toward the cervix. Pregnancy ends with the birthing process, during this period rapid changed occurs. Progesterone starts to decline and it suppress the uterine to contracts, this stimulated synthesis of prostanglandin the uterine contracts.The cervix begins to thin and opens ,stretching of the uterine and vaginal tiss ues occurs. The nerves impulses to the hypothalamus which signals the posterior glands to release the oxytocin hormones this stimulates powerful contraction. During labor the rhythmic contraction begins ,the fetus is positioned head downward and labor contraction forces the head towards the cervix. The cervix begins to dilate and increase in oxytocin is release. As labor continues the abdominal muscles contracts and forces the fetus through the cervix and the vagina to the outside.After the delivery of the neonatal the placenta separates the uterine walls and is expelled the birth canals. Bleeding occur after the expelling which is called the after birth. Pregnancy involves a lot of different change in the body for the mother and the baby. This occurs from unite of the male and female and a miracle of life begins. The changes happen in a very rapid speed each day different development occurs . The beginning of a new family occurs between the individuals mother, father, child. This i s only the beginning of the life journey, for the child. 1002 words

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How war dehumanizes people Essay

During the war population were deprived of their everyday neces geties and also their vivification conditions, They never got the luxury of sleeping in big warm clean beds or even clean clothes and so changing the focusing they act and the way look at things such as murder. During the war you go through the trenches and handle observation state die, and even cleanup position state themselves. Everyday plenty would not be able to just sit there and watch just aboutone as they slowly die. The narrator of this novel, Charles Yale Harrison was enlisted in the war. Charles explained everything that went on during is outings, some of which were pretty harsh and bad I could only imagine some of the things that he probably was not allowed saying. Charles had a few main buddies whom stuck by his position and fought with him. In this novel he tells us the things he saw some of the things he explained were pretty gory, for example he watched people as their flesh tore strike and b lood gushed everywhere.War definitely dehumanizes people for the most part. Soldiers dont fork up as much sympathy for the people who are dying its almost as if they in truth dont care but being that must be kind of necessary for a soldier because you cant really sit there and cry over a friend who is dying dapple your enemies were slowly creeping up on your base. During war you do things you never musical theme you could ever do in your living such as stabbing individual in the stomach or guesswork a man in the face. I lunge forward aiming at his stomach. It is a lightning instinctive moment. The thrust jerks my body something serious collides with the point of my weapon. Charles says. I doubt Charles would fuck off ever been able to do this without using up months in war, with the same platoon and even watching them all slowly die.